Chat Thread.

How about drilling?!

I remember I had a horrible migraine and we were having our roof done....oh goodness, I wanted to remove my brain!
Nope! You can put your drill away please, I'm at work trying to get some sleep... :zzz:
Drills set my teeth off - I'm imagining the dentists now. Blooming sadists you lot are with your hammering and drilling :rant:
Drills set my teeth off - I'm imagining the dentists now. Blooming sadists you lot are with your hammering and drilling :rant:

Soooo sorry! I've gotta go to the dentist tomorrow talking to dentists. Not for myself...for my OH...but last time we went I nearly had a panic attack by just being there. The dentist said he was more worried about me than he was him! Awkward! :/
Got some new fleece blankets at work today, first thing I thought is these would be ideal for the piggies cages. 120x180cm and they're lovely and thick. Thought id share with you lovely lot :)
I'll be buying some pink ones come payday.
SNUGGLES Fleece Blanket
And and and, just been told my new shop will be ready on the 4th of aprl . I'm a tad excited :yahoo:
Just been told am mild diabetic.Anyone know a sugar replacement that actually tastes like sugar?
Just been told am mild diabetic.Anyone know a sugar replacement that actually tastes like sugar?

Like I said over on Exiles, I use Canderel, it's the only sweetener I've used that doesn't leave a sickly aftertaste in the mouth, comes in granulated so you can sprinkle it on your cereal and in a handy tablet dispenser so you can take it out with you. I use granulated at home and tablets at work. ;)
Just been told am mild diabetic.Anyone know a sugar replacement that actually tastes like sugar?

Personally I think Splenda is about the best, it's not got too much of an aftertaste and you can bake with it. Some are half sugar/half sweetener so check that you don't get those. I don't use it regularly though and know people like the Boss who prefer candarel. However, sweeteners may not be as good for diabetics as thought. There's some evidence that they too result in blood sugar spikes, but there's still some debate about this. If you have a blood glucose monitor, check to see what effect they have.

I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and got a monitor, which was really helpful in knowing what food was a problem for me personally and what wasn't. If you have been diagnosed as Type two, you should be able to get one prescribed.
Can you guess what I'm doing tomorrow.. Actually looking forward to it :D:D
Oh and what's with cats and knocking things off tables. Chandler has just knocked the refilled hamster bowl off the table and it has gone EVERYWHERE.:doh:
i had a chinese buffet,I'm eating through my food,when it appears an insect is in the menu,my friend states its a cockroach,and we call the manager.she promptly brings some dish that she recons it is,but my friend insists they are covering the problem up!i could not be sure!weve not been back since.I'm not easily scared of food,i have to maintain my round shape you see!:eek:.
I had Mary bun in the vets on Tuesday, she had developed a large lump on her neck. I was expecting the worst, thinking it was cancer and she was going to be put to sleep. :( The vet took one look at the lump and said, "I know what that is!" she opened a fresh scalp blade pierced the lump and squeezed! :vom: what appeared to be the full contents of a Primula prawn cheese tube came shooting out of the hole! :vom: The vet shaved round the hole she had made and made the hole a little bigger, explaining that rabbits have a wonderful way of isolating abscesses so that it doesn't infect the rest of the body and that antibiotics wouldn't be needed. The hole was syringed and cleaned out and a relieved BossHogg brought her home. For the last 3 days, she has been a fantastic patient. She sits patiently on the draining board of the sink whilst I clean round the wound with a mild anti-septic solution and syringe the solution into the hole to make sure any pus is washed out. Once she is cleaned, I dry her neck, leaving a small bit of the solution in the pouch vacated by the pus. I put her on the floor in the rear porch and she hops out into the garden to a waiting husbun Ronnie and they disappear into the shed together through the catflap for a cuddle and a preen. :tu:
I use to be, why whats up? I am a crazy cat lady!
Gizmos ear is very swollen & itchy. I'm taking her to the vet at 8.30 tomorrow but its driving her nuts just now. Pretty sure she has an Infection going on. Was wondering if there's anything I can do to soothe it for her x
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I took some photos but she won't let me touch her ear but may give you an idea. Her eyelid looks a bit swollen too :(
Gizmos ear is very swollen & itchy. I'm taking her to the vet at 8.30 tomorrow but its driving her nuts just now. Pretty sure she has an Infection going on. Was wondering if there's anything I can do to soothe it for her x

To be honest there's not a whole lot you can do, mostly because a cats ear is really delicate and can be easily damaged. So although a vet might wash it out with water I wouldn't advise it. Maybe just try and stop her every time she goes to scratch it, if your not already. Try and stroke her, get her comfy maybe try and get her to sleep. Purring can help cats alot as it releases hormones which calms and soothes them. But apart from that there's not alot you can do!