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Feeling sad tonight, my Harriet hamster has died. I noticed late last night that her breathing was a bit laboured and so called the vet first thing but the earliest we could get her there was the evening as we both had work. It was my first day back after Christmas and Ross was working at Crisis (he is one of a few paid people so could not get out of it) and by the time I got home at 5.30 she had died. I found her by her food bowl. Looked like she had been digging as her bed was all covered over. We had given her Metacam and some Baytril in case it was an infection. She was at least 2 I think. The most gentle hamster ever, though she didn't do cuddles.
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had to have another rat, Annabelle, put to sleep today. Old age and kidney failure. Only two left and they are on antibiotics cos sneezing. Bit crap
@helen105281 and @madguinealady so sorry you both lost fur babies yesterday. Rotten luck for both of you. I'm just waiting for vets to open so I can get MrTed in to see someone this morning - noisy breathing very worrying - suspect he has a URTI.
Thanks @helen105281 -just back. He has acute onset pneumonia. Poor little chap. No symptoms until late last night when he sounded raspy. Thank goodness he's a young ish chap and a good weight, still eating and quite perky. Such a worry.
Poor angel. Hope his meds kick in quickly. Sounds like walking Pneumonia as that strikes out of the blue.
Feeling sad tonight, my Harriet hamster has died. I noticed late last night that her breathing was a bit laboured and so called the vet first thing but the earliest we could get her there was the evening as we both had work. It was my first day back after Christmas and Ross was working at Crisis (he is one of a few paid people so could not get out of it) and by the time I got home at 5.30 she had died. I found her by her food bowl. Looked like she had been digging as her bed was all covered over. We had given her Metacam and some Baytril in case it was an infection. She was at least 2 I think. The most gentle hamster ever, though she didn't do cuddles.
So sorry for your loss!

had to have another rat, Annabelle, put to sleep today. Old age and kidney failure. Only two left and they are on antibiotics cos sneezing. Bit crap
So sorry for your loss!

@helen105281 and @madguinealady so sorry you both lost fur babies yesterday. Rotten luck for both of you. I'm just waiting for vets to open so I can get MrTed in to see someone this morning - noisy breathing very worrying - suspect he has a URTI.
Wishing your piggie a speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry for your losses @helen105281 and @madguinealady :(
Sorry its a bit late been suffering with a serious fatigue flare up.

Hope everyone is okay? And had a nice Christmas/new year. Sorry I've not been around much.
ta very. One of the crappy bits of pet ownership.Good christmas and new year. Had four out of five of my kids with me for new years dinner without girlfriends and had meal with all five of them and my grandsons just before christmas.Have a lovely boyfriend that i think the world of so this year is looking up already
I'm so sorry for your losses @helen105281 and @madguinealady :(
Sorry its a bit late been suffering with a serious fatigue flare up.

Hope everyone is okay? And had a nice Christmas/new year. Sorry I've not been around much.

Thank you, sadly the year so far has got worse as we had to have Ellie PTS yesterday. Am sorry you have been poorly.
Thank you, sadly the year so far has got worse as we had to have Ellie PTS yesterday. Am sorry you have been poorly.

Oh no Helen I'm so sorry ;( how awful! *big hugs*

ta very. One of the crappy bits of pet ownership.Good christmas and new year. Had four out of five of my kids with me for new years dinner without girlfriends and had meal with all five of them and my grandsons just before christmas.Have a lovely boyfriend that i think the world of so this year is looking up already

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas ;D bet it was lovely to see most your kids at new year! I'm glad this years looking up for you :)! Sounds like your very happy at the moment! I'm glad! You deserve it!
Hey, thought I'd pop in and say hello, hope everyone is doing okay!

Had a rheumatologist appointment yesterday and wasn't really ready for what he said, turns out I have fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. So the eds has been put on a back burner until I can get the fibro under some sort of control, enough for me to be able to do daily exercises without feeling like I've been hit full on by a train. So I'm gunna rattle with medication :D! Also had a blood test and having a MRI scan to make sure I haven't damaged any ligaments etc.

I was just wondering how people manage fibro? And if you have it do you have any useful home remedies or home rituals that help you?
Thanks @lisaali ;)

Hi again @A&T I have to limit what I do each day and make plans in advance. I do a small amount of cleaning each day rather than the whole house at once. I find it is a case of limiting what I can do each day and enjoying the less painful times. Struggling at the moment though! Remember you can PM me any time ;)
I was diagnosed with fibro April 2014=I stop when my body tells me it's had enough and sleep when I have to.Take pain killers when really bad.Warm baths help loads.Do ironing as it dries so don't end up with an hours worth.I take things slow when I have to.Sometimes I have to admit I can't do things and kids and boyf do them for me.
I find that when my arthritis is playing up - I go for a 5 mile run and really give my knees something to hurt for! :yikes: :lol!:
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Thank you @theoretikos and @madguinealady . The rheumy said he's givng a list of painkillers and other medication to my doctor that should help me. At the moment I take normal ibuprofen when I literally can't stand it. Baths sound good too! Thank you both so much!

What type of exercise do you do? I've been trying pilates but its killing me. I've heard Thai-Chi and yoga but I'm not sure there much different from pilates?
I find that when my arthritis is playing up - I go for a 5 mile run and really give my knees something to hurt for! :yikes: :lol!:

I can't even walk the 0.6miles to my doctor and back without not being able to walk the next day! 5 miles! You must be super fit!
Not super fit, just in training for the Great North Run, I've been looking at some specialist knee supports - £40 for both knees!
What about swimming Cat? I definately think it is worth doing something that you can do at a pace and distance you can cope with - as Madguinealady has just mentioned .
Swimming is great but I'm far too anxious to go alone!
I do walking but have had to build up from 5mins. I also cycle as it doesn't hurt my knees.
I have some sit down videos to send you from youtube that may help too :)
What about swimming Cat? I definately think it is worth doing something that you can do at a pace and distance you can cope with - as Madguinealady has just mentioned .

I have thought about swimming, they do women's nights at my local swimming pool but like theoretikos said I'm to nervous to go alone and have yet found someone to come with me :(! Maybe I just need to grow a pair and do it.

The rheumy said walking to, I walked round the block today which was painful but not to the point I couldn't walk to I think I'll do some walking, add a block when one block gets easier!

Thank you so much @theoretikos for those videos! There going to help a lot :)!