Chat Thread.

Wow, sorry to hear that @madguinealady. Maybe its a silly "solution" but... have you tried to do something you really like in bed? When I can't sleep I usually navigate on tumblr through the mobile phone and search for things like Harry Potter or guinea pigs, that way I'll fall asleep slowly while thinking and seeing things I like a lot.

My niece (and goddaughter) was born yesterday, and because I have a bit of a cold I haven't seen her yet :(
Congrats on your grandchild.I have two grandchildren and being a grandma is fantastic, love them to bits

Thank you! I can't wait to see her. I already watched some videos and I'm completely swooned because of how cute she is! And she is my goddaughter! I'm only 25, don't make me a grandma ahead of time! :lol:
(Don't worry, I -more times than I'd like to admit- also read one word instead of another).
went to bonfire in bitts park yesterday. The fireworks were fantastic, The show before lighting the fire a bit geeky but actual fire build pretty good (huge dragon). Went round fair then flaming grill for supper. Pizza and icecream munchies with film when we got home. Great day. We were all spoilt rotten.
@A&T am sorry things are so bad at the moment, just shout if you need a chat or anything.

Only just seen this! So sorry! Thank you so much Helen :) means a lot!

@A&T Have a good vibes goat

Awww good vibes goat is cute! Thanks Lee!

On recent news, I've had my ESA assesment which was awful, I felt like i was being interrogated and as if she was taking my first answer and then not listening to my reasons why if that makes sense? Like she'd just got "mm mm mm" and you could tell she wasn't listening and wanted to get onto the next question and her tick box! Anyway, I find out in 6 probably 5 weeks now if I'm eligible!

Also, had my first and second physiotherapy appointment, first one was good! We sat and chatted about my Elhers Danlos Syndrome and what it is and what I've been doing (light Pilate's and bike) and she sounded really like, in the know about it or atleast like she would go away and look at it more and do some research etc! Anyway she said to make an appointment for the following week (last week) and she would do a joint assessment which she said would hurt but would allowed her to see what state my joints were in. Anyway, appointment came and although I knew it would be painful I was feeling positive. Had my joint assessment and she says my hips are very bad and my joints crack a lot (which I knew, every joint cracked when she tried it) anyway, she then goes on to say that "there's nothing I can do for you, all I can suggest is that if you want physio and help with your condition you should find a phsio that specialises in EDS" and she bascially had no idea what she was doing... She said that I should go back to my rheumatologists again and she referred me for talking pain therapy... But for physio there with her, she discharged me. So now..I'm waiting for up to 6 weeks for a rheumy appointment and also talking the mean time everything is getting worse, I'm having mostly bad days, so much so I actually say "oh I'm having a good day".
Thankfully my family are boyf and helping me get by really, keeping my mind off things and doing things when I can, making a Christmas cake with my grandma and planning different things for Christmas etc. So its okay at the movement, sometimes I get really down...but its mostly only at night when the boyf is at work.

Hope everyone else is okay, sorry again I haven't been on much! Just thought I'd come on and give you guys an update an let you all know I really appreciate all your support and kind words :hug:

Oh oh and before I go, Amber is doing great still her same old self! Taking her back to the Vets soon as its been a few months since the diagnosis and the time span was given so want to know whags happning and stuff, but at the moment I'm so happy she's still herself and as far as I can see healthy!
Only just seen this! So sorry! Thank you so much Helen :) means a lot!

Awww good vibes goat is cute! Thanks Lee!

On recent news, I've had my ESA assesment which was awful, I felt like i was being interrogated and as if she was taking my first answer and then not listening to my reasons why if that makes sense? Like she'd just got "mm mm mm" and you could tell she wasn't listening and wanted to get onto the next question and her tick box! Anyway, I find out in 6 probably 5 weeks now if I'm eligible!

Also, had my first and second physiotherapy appointment, first one was good! We sat and chatted about my Elhers Danlos Syndrome and what it is and what I've been doing (light Pilate's and bike) and she sounded really like, in the know about it or atleast like she would go away and look at it more and do some research etc! Anyway she said to make an appointment for the following week (last week) and she would do a joint assessment which she said would hurt but would allowed her to see what state my joints were in. Anyway, appointment came and although I knew it would be painful I was feeling positive. Had my joint assessment and she says my hips are very bad and my joints crack a lot (which I knew, every joint cracked when she tried it) anyway, she then goes on to say that "there's nothing I can do for you, all I can suggest is that if you want physio and help with your condition you should find a phsio that specialises in EDS" and she bascially had no idea what she was doing... She said that I should go back to my rheumatologists again and she referred me for talking pain therapy... But for physio there with her, she discharged me. So now..I'm waiting for up to 6 weeks for a rheumy appointment and also talking the mean time everything is getting worse, I'm having mostly bad days, so much so I actually say "oh I'm having a good day".
Thankfully my family are boyf and helping me get by really, keeping my mind off things and doing things when I can, making a Christmas cake with my grandma and planning different things for Christmas etc. So its okay at the movement, sometimes I get really down...but its mostly only at night when the boyf is at work.

Hope everyone else is okay, sorry again I haven't been on much! Just thought I'd come on and give you guys an update an let you all know I really appreciate all your support and kind words :hug:

Oh oh and before I go, Amber is doing great still her same old self! Taking her back to the Vets soon as its been a few months since the diagnosis and the time span was given so want to know whags happning and stuff, but at the moment I'm so happy she's still herself and as far as I can see healthy!

Have you had a chance to see if there are any good EDS support groups about ?
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Oh oh and before I go, Amber is doing great still her same old self! Taking her back to the Vets soon as its been a few months since the diagnosis and the time span was given so want to know whags happning and stuff, but at the moment I'm so happy she's still herself and as far as I can see healthy!

One of my sows (Bess) has been diagnosed with a tumour. We are taking every day as it comes and each day, it is a pleasure to see her being a happy guinea pig .
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Have you had a chance to see if there are any good EDS support groups about ?

I've joined one on Facebook which is really good! And I've joined a forum too, its nice being able to ask questions and know your getting answers back that are from experienced people who go through it too, if that makes sense?

One of my sows (Bess) has been diagnosed with a tumour. We are taking every day as it comes and each day, it is a pleasure to see her being a happy guinea pig .

Oh I'm sorry to hear about Bess! It's hard when your given the news, but also I think it's better, you can cherish the time you spend with them and make it the happiest times! Like you said, its lovely seeing them being a happy normal guinea pig!
Has Bess been given a steroid injection?
I've joined one on Facebook which is really good! And I've joined a forum too, its nice being able to ask questions and know your getting answers back that are from experienced people who go through it too, if that makes sense.

I'm glad you've found people who can advise you.
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Am a bit dizzy today, damn head. Started last night though on the way into London. Went there to see a Gastro consultant and finally feel like my IBS is being properly looked into. He said an IBS diagnosis is usually made after everything else has been ruled out but he said I haven't had anything done to rule anything out. So am going to be having a Hydrogen breath test to check gut bacteria, colonoscopy and MRI of the upper abdomen. Just need to make sure my health care I get with work are happy with it all.

Glad you are having a better day Cat.
One of my sows (Bess) has been diagnosed with a tumour. We are taking every day as it comes and each day, it is a pleasure to see her being a happy guinea pig .

Sorry to hear this Lisa.

Cookie has a mammary tumour too, we have decided not to operate as she is nearly six.

Sending you a huge hug and love to Bess x x
Hello my name is Sarah and i'm a university student in the UK. It would be fantastic if any of you could quickly do a quick 10 question survey.

It will help me get my degree in Applied Animal Studies. The survey is about guinea pig welfare. Follow the link below and if you have any questions
send them to my email address [email protected] i'm happy to reply and will do so as soon as i can ( 00 - zeros not Os)

Is the care of guinea pigs improved when owners seek advice prior to purchase? Survey

Hello, this will get more views in it's own thread :)

Will start one for you with it on

Am a bit dizzy today, damn head. Started last night though on the way into London. Went there to see a Gastro consultant and finally feel like my IBS is being properly looked into. He said an IBS diagnosis is usually made after everything else has been ruled out but he said I haven't had anything done to rule anything out. So am going to be having a Hydrogen breath test to check gut bacteria, colonoscopy and MRI of the upper abdomen. Just need to make sure my health care I get with work are happy with it all.

Glad you are having a better day Cat.

Good luck with this Helen. Let us know how you get on x
Am a bit dizzy today, damn head. Started last night though on the way into London. Went there to see a Gastro consultant and finally feel like my IBS is being properly looked into. He said an IBS diagnosis is usually made after everything else has been ruled out but he said I haven't had anything done to rule anything out. So am going to be having a Hydrogen breath test to check gut bacteria, colonoscopy and MRI of the upper abdomen. Just need to make sure my health care I get with work are happy with it all.

Glad you are having a better day Cat.

That's great that something is actually being done! But bad that they haven't tried to rule everything else out before diagnosing you with IBS though... Atleast its getting sorted now! Or at least it's going in the right direction! Let me know how you get on on Sunday! Although I'm guessing it will be awhile before you get the results?! Keep us updated anyway :D!
That's great that something is actually being done! But bad that they haven't tried to rule everything else out before diagnosing you with IBS though... Atleast its getting sorted now! Or at least it's going in the right direction! Let me know how you get on on Sunday! Although I'm guessing it will be awhile before you get the results?! Keep us updated anyway :D!
I will do, think I will see the consultant again after all the tests have been done. Need to budget too as each time I go it is a train fare into London. Not looking forward to the MRI but have had it done before on my back and it was ok so should be fine, just boring.
I will do, think I will see the consultant again after all the tests have been done. Need to budget too as each time I go it is a train fare into London. Not looking forward to the MRI but have had it done before on my back and it was ok so should be fine, just boring.

Yeah thats probably a good idea!
I agree MRI's are sooooo boring, when I first had one I was really scared, people said it was really loud but I didn't think it was that loud at all, I mean it was a little noisy at times but not extreme!
They played me some god awful music! And its really uncomfortable, you'd think they'd atleast make it out of memory foam or something. I'm waffling! Fingers crossed it goes okay! Ital be over before you know it :)
Sorry for the delay. Had a busy few days.
I am well. The piggies and bunnies are all well. The dog was not happy the last few days due to fireworks. Just ordered a calming spray and plug in for him.
We are having building work here atm so quite dusty and noisy...but I'm fine.

Miss you guys when I'm not around. Will try and pop in more...Miss you guys and your news x
Oosh, I hate filling in job application forms. =/

I hope everyone's evening is more entertaining than mine is shaping up to be!
What are you applying for @Malice?

I just cleaned out the piggies shed. Pumpkin and Boo have somehow ended out of the shed and up in a cage on the coffee table. Don't know how that happened lol! Husband may not notice....
@Goth Mummy, I'm applying for some assistant and support roles via the NHS. Nothing exciting, but unemployment does not allow me to be picky! And I need a job, so that I can afford more guinea pigs... <_< ^_^

Ooh, are your piggies outdoor pigs? I've almost always had indoor pigs. I don't currently have the choice for outdoor ones though; no garden or garage.
@Malice they were always indoor pigs but they moved into the shed this summer, and the David started to talk about insulating it so they could winter out. I miss them though. They were my little friends! He knows they can't stay out when it's icey and snowy though! Our shed isn't warm enough for that, no electric yet!
@Goth Mummy, I misread that as 'insulting' and had an image of someone shouting at a shed and wondered why, haha! I hope you find a situation that suits everyone (two and four legged!), but if the weather is getting worse and the shed isn't warm then surely they have to stay on the coffee table...? <_< >_>