Chat Thread.

If you're on about me @gizzy , I'm a bit better than earlier on thanks. Hobbling about but fit for nothing, how are you me mon? :)
Happy Birthday Jenny. Am so pleased Cleo is OK.

Tim, glad you managed to get up and about a bit.

Am OK. Still buggy but a bit brighter. Had today at home. Just had good news too. Ross took Tim (pig) to see Simon and he gave him the all clear. Only needs to see him again if he ever stops eating for any reason. Made it all worth it even with the flack I got from it all.
Oh gosh! Happy belated birthday @jenniferanneharris !

Sorry I've not been around much, feeling a bit.. Well not myself...just a bit down at the moment. Had my first physio appointment today, was only a chat about my condition and stuff but next week she said she will be doing a joint test which she said she isn't going to lie about it would be painful... So not looking forward to that.

I just don't see an end to all this, actually sometimes think it would be easier on everyone if I just disappeared. I rely on my mum now for basic things on a daily basis and she has mobility problems and pains herself... Just feel like a burden. Even though I know she'd be angry if I said that.
Sorry guys, just needed to let that out.

Hope everyone else is doing okay!
Oh gosh! Happy belated birthday @jenniferanneharris !

Sorry I've not been around much, feeling a bit.. Well not myself...just a bit down at the moment. Had my first physio appointment today, was only a chat about my condition and stuff but next week she said she will be doing a joint test which she said she isn't going to lie about it would be painful... So not looking forward to that.

I just don't see an end to all this, actually sometimes think it would be easier on everyone if I just disappeared. I rely on my mum now for basic things on a daily basis and she has mobility problems and pains herself... Just feel like a burden. Even though I know she'd be angry if I said that.
Sorry guys, just needed to let that out.

Hope everyone else is doing okay!
Oh hunni. I am sorry you are feeling so low.
I understand...we all need to vent/ blow off steam and you feel free...i do it all the time.
Know that it would not be better if you are not here anymore...not at all. :-(

I know I really miss you when you are not here... You are a very much a big part of this forum and a friend to many. ((hugs)). Please take care and remember if you ever want to chat...just pm me xx ((hugs)) xx
Sorry I've not been around much, feeling a bit.. Well not myself...just a bit down at the moment. !

I really miss you when you're not here too.

I wish I could say something that would make everything right for you.
Oh hunni. I am sorry you are feeling so low.
I understand...we all need to vent/ blow off steam and you feel free...i do it all the time.
Know that it would not be better if you are not here anymore...not at all. :-(

I know I really miss you when you are not here... You are a very much a big part of this forum and a friend to many. ((hugs)). Please take care and remember if you ever want to chat...just pm me xx ((hugs)) xx

It's really great I can come on here and vent, it really helps.

Thank you Jenny it means a lot knowing I can talk to you if I'm feeling rubbish, having someone who cares and is there makes such a huge difference. *hugs*
I'm going to try and be more a part of the forum again, I do miss you all :) thank you again knowing there's support here really helps

I really miss you when you're not here too.

I wish I could say something that would make everything right for you.

Aww thank you, I miss you too!
It helps knowing there's people here that miss me, I didn't think that anyone would notice my absence so what you've said is a real help, like someone does care after all.
:) no problem hun.

I am the same. I hope to post more again and be a proper part of the forum...i have missed you all. Hopefully when my laptop gets fixed I will be back again to chat to you all. X
just had some mega news. Have claimed ppi from black horse from four different loans we got when hubby was alive. Have had news back from two and they are giving me nearly three thousand pound in approx. four weeks. Was stressing about Christmas and my house needs redecorated, new carpets etc.Means I can redo my whole living room, get a new bed and hopefully get rid of some ghosts .Was crying when I came off the phone. Can create a vets fund as well. Was having such a crappy week and am now seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
just had some mega news. Have claimed ppi from black horse from four different loans we got when hubby was alive. Have had news back from two and they are giving me nearly three thousand pound in approx. four weeks. Was stressing about Christmas and my house needs redecorated, new carpets etc.Means I can redo my whole living room, get a new bed and hopefully get rid of some ghosts .Was crying when I came off the phone. Can create a vets fund as well. Was having such a crappy week and am now seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
that's wonderful news. So happy for you xx
@madguinealady am so happy for you.

@A&T am sorry things are so bad at the moment, just shout if you need a chat or anything.

My cold has subsided a bit, though I have hardly any voice tonight.
just had some mega news. Have claimed ppi from black horse from four different loans we got when hubby was alive. Have had news back from two and they are giving me nearly three thousand pound in approx. four weeks. Was stressing about Christmas and my house needs redecorated, new carpets etc.Means I can redo my whole living room, get a new bed and hopefully get rid of some ghosts .Was crying when I came off the phone. Can create a vets fund as well. Was having such a crappy week and am now seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

That is brilliant news for you Jill.
@A&T Have a good vibes goat
Well today has been interesting, my voice had been very hit and miss all day and is now almost non existent. I tried to shout at a lorry on the way to work and just squeaked :)
Well today has been interesting, my voice had been very hit and miss all day and is now almost non existent. I tried to shout at a lorry on the way to work and just squeaked :)

Are you sure it wasn't a wheek?! :))

Hope you feel better soon mate x
I knew you were going to say that! :lol!:
Thank you :-)

How is everyone today? Xx

Feeling a bit brighter. Still not much voice but had a nice relaxing day, saw the family cat, and Ross and I decided to get matching tattoos - that is a big commitment for him. We are both having a guinea pig on the inside of our ankle (opposite ankles). Excited.
Feeling a bit brighter. Still not much voice but had a nice relaxing day, saw the family cat, and Ross and I decided to get matching tattoos - that is a big commitment for him. We are both having a guinea pig on the inside of our ankle (opposite ankles). Excited.
Glad you are feeling a bit brighter. Exciting tattoo news. I cant wait to see it when its done...i would love one...but i have no idea what my pain threashold is..and I'm a x
I surprised myself the other day when I had Millie's paw print done. Didn't really hurt and she redid my star too as the colour hadn't taken properly. Not sure if it is because I am used to pain (IBS and back issues) or if it just didn't really hurt.
Tired but don't want to go to bed.Have had nightmares last two nights.Anyone else suffer from them to the point where they don't want to fall asleep?