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Thanks for the update jenny, poor baby :( I do hope she starts to recover better tonight and tomorrow. I have never had a bunny since I was small so have no idea on how you would be able to syringe feed them they always seem so powerful compared to piggies. Her Fiestyness sounds to be a good sign, hoping she will eat a little more for you.

Things are okay thanks. Cookie has been poorly the past week or so, she has Ovarian Cysts that we are having Hormone injections for. She is eating okay again now, we have had to increase her metacam because of her jaw arthritis and jaw bone spur. She is looking an old lady now but so pleased as to how she was when I took her to the vets on Friday last. She is a battler for sure.

Sending Cleo lots of love x
Aw bless her poor Cookie.

Cleo was back to the emergency vet again...shes been back at emergency vet and she's having a ultrasound scan and xray of abdomen etc as vet could feel a mass in stomach area...she wants to see if its an enlarged node or build of of faecal matter or anything else. I need to call at 1 for an update.
She's well in herself and feisty as ever...but they hide illness so well.
She did wee and poo a little last night but it wasn't enough to call normal so I thought go to vet to be safe and I'm glad I did.

Got about 15 mins till I call the so nervous. I'm sure she will be okay though...but u cant help but worry. X x
Aw bless her poor Cookie.

Cleo was back to the emergency vet again...shes been back at emergency vet and she's having a ultrasound scan and xray of abdomen etc as vet could feel a mass in stomach area...she wants to see if its an enlarged node or build of of faecal matter or anything else. I need to call at 1 for an update.
She's well in herself and feisty as ever...but they hide illness so well.
She did wee and poo a little last night but it wasn't enough to call normal so I thought go to vet to be safe and I'm glad I did.

Got about 15 mins till I call the so nervous. I'm sure she will be okay though...but you cant help but worry. X x

:( Oh no... poor girl.

Any news? x x
:( Oh no... poor girl.

Any news? x x
Not yet. The scanning room was busy so she had not been done yet. Gonna call back at 3. They squeezed me in between appointments today and bless my vet got two other vets for 2nd and 3rd opinions before she scanned...they were very thorough and good ao i cant complain... so it was a case of fitting her in etc. She's in good hand though. Will post when I get more news x x
Cleo's having her scan at the moment. She's eaten some food on her own and will call back about 3.45 / 4ish for an update x
They are keeping her in over night. The stump where they remove the uterus looked more inflamed than normal so they think she may have the start of an infection. She is on injectable pain meds, gut stimulants and on antibiotics. She's also being syringe fed to top her up.
She has eaten a little veg while at the vets and she's in good enough spirits. I have dropped off her fave treats/ veg/ pellets/ hay and her snugglesafe cat she sleeps with.
I call at 9am for an update again.
Please keep Cleo in your thoughts and thanks for the well wishes. Just arrived home...and am shattered. Its been a long day and I have a migraine x x
I had one of my female rabbits Amber spayed a few months ago and she was not well afterwards.

It was exhausting syringe feeding her (cause she hated it to) and I had to take her to the vet every day for them to check her and inject her with gut stimulant and pain relief. It was one of the longest weeks and it was stressful and exhausting for her and me so I know what a tough time you are having just now.

So sending lots of 'healing vibes' to Cleo and 'hugs' to you.
I had one of my female rabbits Amber spayed a few months ago and she was not well afterwards.

It was exhausting syringe feeding her (cause she hated it to) and I had to take her to the vet every day for them to check her and inject her with gut stimulant and pain relief. It was one of the longest weeks and it was stressful and exhausting for her and me so I know what a tough time you are having just now.

So sending lots of 'healing vibes' to Cleo and 'hugs' to you.
Thanks hun. I'm glad she is better now..bless her x
I feel like poo. Got a coldy type thing and ache all over. Ross has it too though but is more on his chest. Think I will see if I can have tomorrow off.
I feel bad as I was off last Monday with a migraine so dragged myself in today. Lots of horrid stuff gone on over the last few weeks so expect am run down from that and had flu earlier in the year too. I have done the soup part :)
Sorry to hear you are feeling grotty Helen, hope you feel better soon.
I have just phoned in work sick :( Sciatica wirh vertigo on top isn't good. Time to grab a piggy to cuddle methinks.
sending huge virtual hugs tim. If I was closer would deliver them in person. Hope you feel better soon.
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Sorry to hear you are feeling grotty Helen, hope you feel better soon.
I have just phoned in work sick :( Sciatica wirh vertigo on top isn't good. Time to grab a piggy to cuddle methinks.

Oh that sounds nasty, I hope you feel better soon too Tim.
I feel like poo. Got a coldy type thing and ache all over. Ross has it too though but is more on his chest. Think I will see if I can have tomorrow off.
Oh no. Get well soon Helen. Lots of nasty bugs about atm...its the weather fluctuations isn't it - driving everyone's body's mad. ((hugs)) xx
Sorry to hear you are feeling grotty Helen, hope you feel better soon.
I have just phoned in work sick :( Sciatica wirh vertigo on top isn't good. Time to grab a piggy to cuddle methinks.
Sorry you're poorly Tim :-( get well soon xx
Happy Birthday Jenny! :cake::D
And such a great pressie knowing that Cleobury is going well :) x I'm plodding along thanks, ive wobbled and hobbled out of bed and made me a cuppa today, so that's progress! :tu:
I hope you have enjoyed your day so far :) xx