Chat Thread.

Sitting here feeling a bit sorry for myself, I'm going to need you guys to keep me amused for the next few weeks. Was on the way to the station this morning, had walked about two miles when suddenly I couldn't put my foot to the ground without a fierce pain in my left calf. Phoned for help and got a lift home again. Turns out I've got a partially torn calf muscle and walking up steep hills and digging the garden is going to be out of the question. We live on a steep hill so I won't be going out I walk at least 4 miles every day to keep me fit and to keep us and piggies in food. Shopping, piggies, gardening and TGPF keep me busy so now it's all down to you folks. Lots of your gorgeous piggy pics please. Have broken the news to OH that he will have to do the shopping for a while he's OK with that, not so keen on the news he maybe poop picking though, the cage is too big to reach the back corner so I usually climb into it! I know I shouldn't moan it's nothing really, so many people have much worse problems, but it goes to show how much we take for granted and a reminder we never know what's round the corner. .
Hope you feel better soon! I'll try to keep you amused.
That sounds so painful, hope you are able to rest.
It is painful, the worst thing is going upstairs so avoiding that as much as I can.
Managed to do a cage clean very carefully, took a lot longer than usual but that's OK.
Made the most of the lovely weather this afternoon and sat in the garden with a book and fell asleep. Luckily I'm retired so my time is my own. I think I felt so low yesterday as I missed my day out. but there will be others.
I' ve made the wrong footwear choice this morning - my feet are soaking !

I' m going to have to spend all day in damp shoes !
Oh no, is there a radiator you can put your shoes under to dry?

Am ok today, IBS is bad but that's normal for me. Happy to have Tim home, though am turning slightly neurotic looking for little things while he is charging about his cage like a nutter :)
Oh no, is there a radiator you can put your shoes under to dry?

Am ok today, IBS is bad but that's normal for me. Happy to have Tim home, though am turning slightly neurotic looking for little things while he is charging about his cage like a nutter :)

The weather's a bit better now - so i'll cope with my damp feet. Sorry to hear about your IBS
I'm so chuffed.Boyfriend has Thursday through til Sunday off work.He is coming through Thursday til Saturday then I'm going back with him Saturday through til Sunday.Longest we have ever spent together.Really looking forward to it.
I'm all set for another trip to see Uncle Simon with Dougal and @Anififi's Cinnamon to sort out their gnashers. Both are doing extremely well with thanks to Simon and his team :D
Hello! My names Louise, I'm new here and a new piggie mama. Ive already posted an intro in the intro section and thought Id say hello here too. =)

I have two lady pigs called Eddie and Patsy. I'm glad to see theyre living up to their namesakes. Eddie jumps and flaps about while Patsy just sits there.

I'm hoping to meet others in my area (Newcastle) to have piggie chats with!

These are my pigs, taken about a week ago... Theyve grown so much since then, but I dont have a good pic!

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Hello! My names Louise, I'm new here and a new piggie mama. Ive already posted an intro in the intro secrion and thought Id say hello here too. =)

I have two lady pigs called Eddie and Patsy. I'm glad to see theyre living up to their namesakes. Eddie jumps and flaps about while Patsy just sits there.

I'm hoping to meet others in my area (Newcastle) to have piggie chats with!

These are my pigs, taken about a week ago... Theyve grown so much sonce then,but I dont have a good pic!

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Welcome, your piggies are stunning :)
Got twenty four hours off from kids.Going through to maryport till tomorrow.Total relaxation, bliss.Been five months since I've had a proper break.My son is staying with them tonight, just that little but young to feel comfortable about leaving them overnight.No housework for twenty four hours, am getting pampered.
Got twenty four hours off from kids.Going through to maryport till tomorrow.Total relaxation, bliss.Been five months since I've had a proper break.My son is staying with them tonight, just that little but young to feel comfortable about leaving them overnight.No housework for twenty four hours, am getting pampered.

Oh lucky you :nod: Enjoy every moment Jill :D
Cleo the bunny is having her spay today. I am so nervous. I call up at 2 to see how she is..i am so nervous. Dropped her off at 8.45 but been shopping so been distracted- but now i have stopped this past hour seems slow.

Please keep Cleo in your thoughts today x x
Missed this, how did Cleo get on Jenny? x x
Thanks. She got through the spay fine...but is reluctant to eat/ pass poos.
Today she went back to the vets and had 2 gut stimulants. She has since nibbled odd bits of food and passed urine and a few poops...but not got an appetite....but very feisty as usual. She did Not want to be strong fed...took me twenty mind to get her wrapped in a towel! She's Houdini! She can escape any grip. But managed to get a few syringes in to try and get her gut moving as normal...but she dose not like me atm. She grunts...lunges and nips when I have her out to feed....anything to get out of being syringe fed...its been a long day. But at least she's been to the loo a little. She may be back at the vets again tomorrow pending...either way I call them.
In herself she is her usual self...just less wanting to see me...she's usually obsessed with me and Castiel. They are separate till she is healed as bunnies are not gentle when one is weak...I think she's enjoying the rest atm. Castiel is dying to get back kn with Cleo but she isn't fussed atm.

How are you Lee? X
Thanks for the update jenny, poor baby :( I do hope she starts to recover better tonight and tomorrow. I have never had a bunny since I was small so have no idea on how you would be able to syringe feed them they always seem so powerful compared to piggies. Her Fiestyness sounds to be a good sign, hoping she will eat a little more for you.

Things are okay thanks. Cookie has been poorly the past week or so, she has Ovarian Cysts that we are having Hormone injections for. She is eating okay again now, we have had to increase her metacam because of her jaw arthritis and jaw bone spur. She is looking an old lady now but so pleased as to how she was when I took her to the vets on Friday last. She is a battler for sure.

Sending Cleo lots of love x