Chat Thread.

Hi Jenny, early start for me. 5:30 up, just about to land in Scotland :)
Virtually no sleep last night, an hour if I was lucky, but caught up on the train :)
Hope you have a nice day xx
Am not too bad today, been a bit of a stressful week or so, but onwards and upwards and Tim is doing great which is the main thing. Though I just called my Mum and she has informed me that her arthritis in her knees is now so bad she is struggling to get up the stairs :( time to demand more from the doctors I think.

Oh and I just called to book a hair cut and was told my usual hair dresser has been off sick for 2 months, so this does not bode well. My hair is fine and horrid and it has taken her years to get used to what looks half decent with it :no:
Hi everyone.Just woke up.No milk and clamming for a cuppa.Tea keeps me sane.(them and the meds)
Hellooooo Cat! :D
Apart from being my usual dopey self :)) I'm ok, how's Amberooo? xx

Haha we can be dopey together! I like being dopey.
Amberoo is doing fine :D I'm getting together some video footage to make another video! :D
Hows your lot?! Xx

Hi A&T, not sure if we've met. I'm butterfly.

Hello! Nice to meet you butterfly :D I'm Cat :)
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Oh and I just called to book a hair cut and was told my usual hair dresser has been off sick for 2 months, so this does not bode well. My hair is fine and horrid and it has taken her years to get used to what looks half decent with it :no:

Oh God, I feel you Helen! I had a hairdresser for years, me and my mum did, then she retired and we had to find a new one. There good but not the same.. And I'm never guaranteed the same person everytime I go in there which is a nightmare as my hairs so long and knots really easily and gets pretty mattted if its brushed wrong. Mum still doesn't like the way her hair is cut either always saying "they don't cut it like Maureen use to"
I hope your hairdresser comes back from being off sick soon!
Haha we can be dopey together! I like being dopey.
Amberoo is doing fine :D I'm getting together some video footage to make another video! :D
Hows your lot?! Xx

Hello! Nice to meet you butterfly :D I'm Cat :)
My lot are brill thanks Cat xx
I posted a couple of pics of Zebedee yesterday and a video of Dougal is knocking about somewhere on here. Dougal is doing really well, I keep feeding him the porridge and he keeps piling on the weight :) xx
Morning hun.
Its my great aunts funeral today. Car collecting us in about 20-30 mins. I am so nervous. But will be pleased when its done n gone by smoothly...fingers crossed anyway.

I hope everyone has a good day xx
Thank you. Was a small but nice day ( apart from a mix up with 2 of the 3 hymns lol.
My great aunts 3 cousins made it down for the funeral - plus two ladies who lived in the same block of flats as Auntie Eileen - so that was nice.
Then we all went for a meal and a couple of drinks.
Am relieved the day is over and I know she would have been proud. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and wishes.

Hope you have all had a good day x
I'm sorry to post this but I am in bits at the moment. I had a great day out in London wondering around the pubs in euston, came back to the sad news that my friends pooch had died and he wants me to bury her for him tomorrow as he is to upset. I agreed at the time but now I can't stop crying! I must soldier on.....
I'm sorry to post this but I am in bits at the moment. I had a great day out in London wondering around the pubs in euston, came back to the sad news that my friends pooch had died and he wants me to bury her for him tomorrow as he is to upset. I agreed at the time but now I can't stop crying! I must soldier on.....

Oh Tim - that's really sad news .
huge hugs tim. You are such a big softy and a great friend.Am sure your friend appreciates you doing it for him.Chin up
Thanks guys, I've been round to visit him. He has spent a bit more time to think about things and she will be cremated. It's a relief for me but he is still very upset obviously as she was a part of his life for the last 16 years. I am a huge softie and get very emotional when these things happen. But they do and we must soldier on, thanks again guys. xx
It's unreal how attached we can get.I had a dog for thirteen years and he got me through a lot of crap.Broke my heart when I let him go.Still miss him loads
Sitting here feeling a bit sorry for myself, I'm going to need you guys to keep me amused for the next few weeks. Was on the way to the station this morning, had walked about two miles when suddenly I couldn't put my foot to the ground without a fierce pain in my left calf. Phoned for help and got a lift home again. Turns out I've got a partially torn calf muscle and walking up steep hills and digging the garden is going to be out of the question. We live on a steep hill so I won't be going out I walk at least 4 miles every day to keep me fit and to keep us and piggies in food. Shopping, piggies, gardening and TGPF keep me busy so now it's all down to you folks. Lots of your gorgeous piggy pics please. Have broken the news to OH that he will have to do the shopping for a while he's OK with that, not so keen on the news he maybe poop picking though, the cage is too big to reach the back corner so I usually climb into it! I know I shouldn't moan it's nothing really, so many people have much worse problems, but it goes to show how much we take for granted and a reminder we never know what's round the corner. .
Sitting here feeling a bit sorry for myself, I'm going to need you guys to keep me amused for the next few weeks. Was on the way to the station this morning, had walked about two miles when suddenly I couldn't put my foot to the ground without a fierce pain in my left calf. Phoned for help and got a lift home again. Turns out I've got a partially torn calf muscle and walking up steep hills and digging the garden is going to be out of the question. We live on a steep hill so I won't be going out I walk at least 4 miles every day to keep me fit and to keep us and piggies in food. Shopping, piggies, gardening and TGPF keep me busy so now it's all down to you folks. Lots of your gorgeous piggy pics please. Have broken the news to OH that he will have to do the shopping for a while he's OK with that, not so keen on the news he maybe poop picking though, the cage is too big to reach the back corner so I usually climb into it! I know I shouldn't moan it's nothing really, so many people have much worse problems, but it goes to show how much we take for granted and a reminder we never know what's round the corner. .
Ouch bless you. I hope your feeling better soon and are back on your feet again soon x