Chat Thread.

I'm very sorry for your loss Jenny, we will always be here for you if you need to chat xx
I'm okay, not very cheerful myself to be honest.. Had some bad news about Amber today. So here's a photo of her having some noms tonight.
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How are you feeling this evening Jenny? Have you had some time to yourself? To try and relax and get your engery back?
Thanks everyone, slowly getting my head around it.

I'm good @jenniferanneharris how are you feeling?
Bless you hun, I can understand that.
I'm up and down...some days better than others. Booked my auntie Eileen's funeral for under 2 weeks time...just getting all those details finalised...and sorting out my aunties flat.
Hun- remember we are all here for you...if u wanna chat, moan, a virtual hug or a laugh x this forum and some of my friends have been some sanity ( plus some healthy insanity :-p) to me...i hope we can be the same for you x x
Hiya guys.
Cant sleep. Am so dreading Wednesday - my great aunties funeral... Its so sad it looks like it will only be me, my sister, mum and step dad attending. I just think its so sad a woman who gave so much to the world and was so loving - is being sent off with just us. :-(
Her careers are working so cant come, my step dads cousins wife just had a knee op so cant travel and all the other people are elderly or housebound....
I keep praying some others will turn up bit it looks less and less likely.
Mum keeps saying u never know but every few days we hear someone else cant make it down to us :(
Mums ordered about 30 orders of service....its gonna be so awful to be given back over 25 copies. I just feel so depress- I know numbers shouldn't matter - but with my grandmas funeral just weeks ago- its gonna be such a contrast...and i know its gonna really be somber with just a few people there... :-( it just dosnt seem fair :-(
Morning. Was about 4.30am I fell asleep in the end.

Hope everyone has a good day. I personally am shattered so will be trying to stay awake x
That's so sad Jenny, it sounds like the important people will be there though which is you- her close family. I hope it all goes ok.
Awe Jenny :(
So sorry to read about your aunt. I'm sure more people will turn up, but as Helen said, the important people that matters the most will be there. Huge hugs :hug::hug:
Hiya guys.
Cant sleep. Am so dreading Wednesday - my great aunties funeral... Its so sad it looks like it will only be me, my sister, mum and step dad attending. I just think its so sad a woman who gave so much to the world and was so loving - is being sent off with just us. :-(
Her careers are working so cant come, my step dads cousins wife just had a knee op so cant travel and all the other people are elderly or housebound....
I keep praying some others will turn up bit it looks less and less likely.
Mum keeps saying you never know but every few days we hear someone else cant make it down to us :(
Mums ordered about 30 orders of service....its gonna be so awful to be given back over 25 copies. I just feel so depress- I know numbers shouldn't matter - but with my grandmas funeral just weeks ago- its gonna be such a contrast...and i know its gonna really be somber with just a few people there... :-( it just dosnt seem fair :-(

The people who love her most in the world will be there and that is the important thing. It is a shame that others can't make it it often happens with the elderly as lots of their friends are unfortunately as you say unable to get about.

Thinking of you, once the funeral is over, you can hopefully start to heal and pick the pieces back up a little.

Sending you my love and thoughts to you and your family Jenny x
Helloooo :)! I have been absent for awhile. How is everyone?!?
Hellooooo Cat! :D
Apart from being my usual dopey self :)) I'm ok, how's Amberooo? xx