Chat Thread.

I'm currently pigless as my dog is very allergic to hay and bedding, but here's a photo of my last guinea pig, Aaron:

I'm taking Shadow in his first horse show tomorrow :) he has been bathed, bridle has been cleaned, my clothes are sorted and I'm exhausted! I just hope he even agrees to enter the show ring. All he has to do is be led around in a circle and trot up a bit hopefully he will manage that!
I'm taking Shadow in his first horse show tomorrow :) he has been bathed, bridle has been cleaned, my clothes are sorted and I'm exhausted! I just hope he even agrees to enter the show ring. All he has to do is be led around in a circle and trot up a bit hopefully he will manage that!
Good luck hun x
I'm taking Shadow in his first horse show tomorrow :) he has been bathed, bridle has been cleaned, my clothes are sorted and I'm exhausted! I just hope he even agrees to enter the show ring. All he has to do is be led around in a circle and trot up a bit hopefully he will manage that!
Good luck!
Bloody Ronnie and Mary! :rant: they don't normally chew the shed - oh no! But they do when dad has spent all day restaining it! Just had to redo a large patch on the corner where they've enjoyed a good munch! :rant:
Bloody Ronnie and Mary! :rant: they don't normally chew the shed - oh no! But they do when dad has spent all day restaining it! Just had to redo a large patch on the corner where they've enjoyed a good munch! :rant:

That's guinea pigs for you!
Morning everyone. :)
Been a busy week end for me. What with Bunny bonding and my Great aunt being sent to hospital. She has pneumonia and a bladder infection. She's on permanent oxygen as her levels are so low. She's not good -Dr said the next few days are critical as she's 85. I am so worried. She's made it through 2 days- but she's still very ill. I am so upset 2 ambulances came out to her and didn't take her to hospital after her falls...but her Dr came out and admitted her that day...crazy. Poor Auntie Eileen..i hope she will be okay. She's a very strong I have to be positive a d hopeful x
Not good news. My great aunt Eileen is in heart failure. They think she has 2-3 days left :-( . I am so upset...
Thanks guys. I cant believe what a year its been. All my posts are so miserable...i must drive u all mad..i was hoping this last few months things would improve...2015 is not my families year :-(

Hugs to you all x x
@jenniferanneharris I really am so so sorry. We are here for you xx
Thank you. This afternoon she's been put on a morphine drip and she's sleeping most the time and when she's awake she dose not recognise anyone. But at least she is comfortable now.
My mum is in pieces as she's spent the last 3 days nearly always by her side - and my step dad ( who's auntie it is- although she raised him so its like his mum) is very quiet and trying to be strong but you can tell is upset ( so unusual for him to be so quiet) x
I'm sorry, I hadn't read your posts. I do really sympathise, it's incredibly hard to watch something that that happen and then also watch your family suffer too.
You know you can also chat here.

Don't worry about the doom and gloom, it happens and sometimes you have a real bad run but believe that good things do happen it just sometimes takes a while to come back round.

Big Hugs
@jenniferanneharris I am really sorry mate. What an awful year.

You are a close family and at times like this that is important. You will all get each other through this, my family has been amazing this year when losing Dad. Keeping you in my thoughts and remember we are all here for you, through the good and bad, you always have your friends.
We have had several of those "end of life" bedside vigils in our family recently, thankfully all very elderly family members but its always awful, and you have all my sympathy xx