Chat Thread.

I spoke to xpd and it is lost! I have to contact my run maker and get him to send me a new one and he can file a claim. So annoying!
Dave the run maker is back in just over a week and says he will make the replacements when he is back and re send.

Absolutely awful company!

Hope everyone has a good day. X
Thanks. Had a terrible nights sleep just stressing and worrying. Its very frustrating isn't it?

I am sat with a shooting dog...if anything can cheer me up and de stress me...its the animals x
It is because you have to contact the seller and then they have to contact their courier, then they resend the item(s) and your sat like a mug waiting again.
Am a bit calmer now. 2 cups of tea later :-p. Been relaxing by sorting out piggie and bunny things. Nothing I love better :-D gosh that makes my life sound oh well haha x
I'm having a bed day.Fibromyalgia been bad last couple of days but have had things to do.Today my body has decided it's had enough so doesn't want to get out of bed.Went downstairs for a drink and body decided that was it for the day so am back in bed.
I'm having a bed day.Fibromyalgia been bad last couple of days but have had things to do.Today my body has decided it's had enough so doesn't want to get out of bed.Went downstairs for a drink and body decided that was it for the day so am back in bed.
Bless you hun. Make sure you take it easy today. Sounds like you deff need a bed day today x
I'm having a bed day.Fibromyalgia been bad last couple of days but have had things to do.Today my body has decided it's had enough so doesn't want to get out of bed.Went downstairs for a drink and body decided that was it for the day so am back in bed.
Awe babe! :( massive hugs on their way to you :hug::hug:
Anything I can do to take you mind off it honey? :) xx
Need a bath cos seeing John tomorrow so need to wash my hair to straighten tomorrow.Kids took over everything today, pair of stars.Have only got out of bed to eat.
Need a bath cos seeing John tomorrow so need to wash my hair to straighten tomorrow.Kids took over everything today, pair of stars.Have only got out of bed to eat.
I'll come and rustle up some midnight munchies for you hun :) xx
Have had to have a bed day and kids took over everything but feeling better now.Maryport tomorrow for a few hours and then he is staying here for the night.
Have had to have a bed day and kids took over everything but feeling better now.Maryport tomorrow for a few hours and then he is staying here for the night.

Oh glad you are feeling better and that you get some time with John tomorrow. It's nice to have something to look forward to.

I noticed that @Tim is leading you astray tonight :lol!:

Try not to eat the poor boy alive though Jill XD
Well hullo there @Goth Mummy ! :D
Belated birthday wishes hun, I hope you had a lovely day and there was cakes a plenty! :) xx