Chat Thread.

Doh lol. my sewing machine arrived last night....but bought wrong thread bobbins...oops. Will go to sewing shop next week and get wont be testing the new machine today. Hehe. Never mind. X
Afternoon everyone. I've overslept again! :(
Not been keeping up to speed with this thread at all as time has been short lately, but just seen your news @Goth Mummy, and I'm chuffed to bits for you! After such a long time of this and that with your health, I'm glad you are now on the up and well enough to get back into things again :)
Hope all goes well with your return to work, and let's hope you enjoy good health from now on x
Doh lol. my sewing machine arrived last night....but bought wrong thread bobbins...oops. Will go to sewing shop next week and get wont be testing the new machine today. Hehe. Never mind. X
Never mind eh! Did that with the filter jug last week, stupidly bought the universal filter refill instead of aqua advanced XD luckily wilkos were more than happy to refund.
In so much pain today! Luckily managed to clean the pigs out before it completely seized up and said 'nope' to even a small amount of weight on it!

Just taken some ibuprofen, gunna have a nap and hope they kick in :(! It's so hot too! 30 degrees outside apparently!
I hope you're feeling better Cat.

We've just had a massive downpour here in Sheffield. The good news is I managed to get my washing indoors in time . The bad news is I didn't manage to get me indoors in time.
I hope you're feeling better Cat.

We've just had a massive downpour here in Sheffield. The good news is I managed to get my washing indoors in time . The bad news is I didn't manage to get me indoors in time.

Thank you :) painkillers have kicking in a little now. I can put weight on it anyway, which always helps.

Ooo downpour! I'd love a downpour! I'd be running out there and laying down on the grass! I'd go as far as saying you might see the steam coming off me in the cold rain!
Lucky the washing didn't get wet! Got all my Piggie washing done today, seemed to have acquired quiet a back log! All done now though :D
What a miserable day! Gotta clean piggies and Castiel out later also....although at the moment feeling very lazy...not long been up..oops. Hope everyone has a good Sunday what ever you are doing :-) x x
I had a meeting with HR today and set a date for my return to work, next Wednesday. I'm scares but also just want it over and done with. I have been off sick for 6 months.
Its not my week :-(
Had 2 parcels go missing!
One by courier (xdp expess) -half of my rabbit run! (was being shipped in 3 parcels...i only have 4days after "due date". Apparently the 1st part is missing! Hoe can u loose an 8ft parcel! Its 2 x 8ft pannels. Xpd are driving me mad. The man who made my run is on Holliday but once he is back he said if the pannels have still not shown up he will make them for me again. But I am just so upset. Been reading horror reviews of them many people have issues and never received their parcels. Dave (the run maker) has been using them 3years no issue...but it would mess up for upset. I have waited 5weeks for them to be made and now 1 week today since he shipped them. They were due Monday.

And also I bought a piggy bed on amazon. Was shipped 12days ago and still not received. Luckily they have good customer service and have agreed to post me another as it obviously got lost in the post.

I am just so fed up. Xdp have not replied to any of my emails. I was disconnected on the phone once...and got through once on Monday and she said should be 2-3 days and should have parcel. Even Dave my run maker called Wednesday and got them to ship me the 2 prices they had -luckily they I have roof pannels and 1 door and am missing two 8ft pannels.
I am sorry to ramble I am just so upset as it was an expensive run and I cant understand how they loose something so big! :( I could cry and I cant sleep. Gonna call again in morning if I get some sleep...just know they wont do anything other than say its missing! Aghhh so angry and upset!

Sorry guys x x
Awh @jenniferanneharris that's sounds rubbish :( what are these people playing at! Although if it's any use, I had to wait over two weeks for one of my strawberry igloos, which certainly irritated me, but they arrived in the end :)