Chat Thread.

*huge hugs* Jenny, I know exactly what you are going through, it's awful, but you always have people here if you ever need to talk. Sending love xx
Morning, sitting waiting to go to the doctors to see if there's anything I can do about the pain in my knees. Started the couch to 5k running app and I've managed an injury already and I'm only on week 3 :( I'm not normally up early so all the girls bar Harry are still snoozing, not even a peep when I opened the fridge, very weird.
Morning! Oh no, Knee pain! Horrible stuff, I hope they can do something for you!
Hiya, i'm the same this morning- so sleepy. Did not want to wake up- and still feeling sleepy hours later.

Castiel has a post op check up at 4.30 today. Hopefully he wont be too unhappy with me again, as he's not forgiven me yet for the op or the syringe feeding, every time i go near he runs off thinking I'm gonna pick him up and syringe feed him lol....Luckily he is eating fine as of yesterday- ate all his pellets 2 nights in a row, just hope he doesn't get too stressed out by the vets this afternoon.

Cleaned the piggies out last night and the cage is already such a mess lol...messy things :P
Hiya, i'm the same this morning- so sleepy. Did not want to wake up- and still feeling sleepy hours later.

Castiel has a post op check up at 4.30 today. Hopefully he wont be too unhappy with me again, as he's not forgiven me yet for the op or the syringe feeding, every time i go near he runs off thinking I'm gonna pick him up and syringe feed him lol....Luckily he is eating fine as of yesterday- ate all his pellets 2 nights in a row, just hope he doesn't get too stressed out by the vets this afternoon.

Cleaned the piggies out last night and the cage is already such a mess lol...messy things :P

Hope all goes well later, will keep eye on thread x x
Thanks everyone :D Hope you're all well.

Vets went fine, Cas is healing up nicely :) He's been sleeping since the vet visit mostly, but hopefully over night he will eat his pellets (that's usually when he eats most his food over night. Hopefully the vet visit wasn't too traumatic- he dose seem to stress easily (bunnies can be very sensitive to change). Vet said he will still be fertile for a few months, but if we paired him up with a spay female, then in a few weeks he should be healed enough to go bonding. Need to get the garden sorted, and then a new run and attach to the hutch and then hopefully can look into getting Cas a girlfriend :D x
Well, it looks like I've just adopted a couple of boys, I shall be going to see them tomorrow :D
Although I'm not sure about the names. Whenever I think of Chip and Dale, I think of semi clad blokes covered in fake tan strutting their stuff on stage :doh:
Well, it looks like I've just adopted a couple of boys, I shall be going to see them tomorrow :D
Although I'm not sure about the names. Whenever I think of Chip and Dale, I think of semi clad blokes covered in fake tan strutting their stuff on stage :doh:
How exciting! Is there a photo?!
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Well, it looks like I've just adopted a couple of boys, I shall be going to see them tomorrow :D
Although I'm not sure about the names. Whenever I think of Chip and Dale, I think of semi clad blokes covered in fake tan strutting their stuff on stage :doh:
how exciting! Cant wait to hear more about them when you have them :D
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Oh how exciting @Tim, can't wait to see them when theyre settled in.
When I need lloyd to do a wee she won't! Looks like another trip to the vet tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if this looks like blood, it's an orangey/pink colour
Give her some cucumber or other watery veg and she'll soon wee!
Hmm photo looks more like wee that's just oxidised to be honest, but I can't be sure!
Oh how exciting @Tim, can't wait to see them when theyre settled in.
When I need lloyd to do a wee she won't! Looks like another trip to the vet tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if this looks like blood, it's an orangey/pink colour
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@Tim I just saw them! How cute!
I can't wait! I've been told they are very nervous but I'll soon settle them in. :D

@Harry&lloyd as katie just said, cucumber will soon make her pee for England! I'm also not sure from the photo, I'll tag @Wiebke just to be sure :tu:
Oh how exciting @Tim, can't wait to see them when theyre settled in.
When I need lloyd to do a wee she won't! Looks like another trip to the vet tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if this looks like blood, it's an orangey/pink colour
View attachment 32130

It looks more like oxidised normal wee to me; blood dries reddish/rusty, not orange. When you have visible amounts of blood in pee, they either dry as small reddish spots or as reddish and differently coloured rings around a pee patch, depending on how much blood there is. But as blood has a different consistency to urine, it does not dry evenly mixed up.
I'm going to Sheffield tomorrow lunchtimeish to see them. There are photo on here in the Rehoming section, they are father and son ex school piggies
They look very cute.. X
It looks more like oxidised normal wee to me; blood dries reddish/rusty, not orange. When you have visible amounts of blood in pee, they either dry as small reddish spots or as reddish and differently coloured rings around a pee patch, depending on how much blood there is. But as blood has a different consistency to urine, it does not dry evenly mixed up.
Ok that's good to know. Might just keep an eye on her for s few days then. She been very chatty too but hard to tell if it's a pain chatty or she's just talking to herself. I'm amazed it oxidised so quickly, that was a clean white towel this evening. She is weeing, I just wanted to check if that coloured wee was definetly coming from her and not Harry. It's so hard to tell when there's 2.
Thanks for the replies. Xx