Chat Thread.

I have called someone the wrong name in bed before but managed to disguise it and have called my late partner by my ex husband's name when he was being an arse but this wasnt my fault.I hate my phone with a fierce hate.
Morning Jill. Hope you have a good day, not long to go now! Counting dow the days for you! :D
Thanks. He's totally fine in feisty and still hopping about. He even been nibbling his fave toys (his loofa teddy and his cardboard and then he will have the odd nibble of not wanting food). He's sat on my bed atm having a rest bless him.

I feel your pain! I can administer anything when at work (Vets) but no sooner its my own animal I'm straddling it there's furr and hair everywhere, I'm sweating trying to either get a tablet down or syringe something in! Right pain in the bum!

He'll forgive you when it's all over. I think they know your trying to help them too :)!
Hope Cas gets better soon too, healing vibes :D
Good evening from very soggy Melbourne! :))
We did need rain tho as garden was dry. It's now water logged we've had nearly 2" in past 24 hrs.

Hope the weather is sunny for you all :nod:
Thanks! It was a bit rich tbh, but it was good to cook again, and hopefully it means the fog is clearing :-)
It great to hear you are feeling better :)
Here's to the fog clearing completely for you :tu:
:) xx
I'm fine.Had my first row of the day with Paige.It's obviously my fault she didn't get out of bed and is now gonna be late and did t sort her stuff out for school last night.Has dashed out with no tie and without brushing her hair.Bloody kids
Hi all. Not seen my grandma in a few days as my aunt and neice had come down and visited my grandma each day so gave me and my sister a bit of a break...although I missed her. Going down on the bus a bit later to see grandma after a few days.
Hope you're all well x x
Thank you. Castiel ate half his pellets last night so am thrilled. May not have to do a feed today....but may just do a bed feed with meds later.
Am with my grandma at the mome. Quite sad as she's very confused and sleepy. Breaking my heart glad my mums not here as she would be so upset as its her mum so its always worse...just put the tv on for her and am chatting to her seeing if that will stimulate her x