Chat Thread.

Will do. He's sulking with me at the moment. Not eaten yet. Really hope he eats over night as I'm sure the last thong he wants is me having to syring feed him.
Anyway fingers crossed Cas eats in the next 12 hours or back to the vets.

Hope you're well x
I love Disney.. I have all the classics! :D can't beat a Disney film.
Glad to hear the op went well @jenniferanneharris :) how is Cas today? Xx
Disney are the best indeed :-)

Thanks for asking :-) Took Cas back to the vets this morning at 10 as not eaten pellets or veg....(but had done a wee and a few poos so must have had a little bit of hay....but not much).
He was given a gut stimulant injection plus an analgesic and pain killer injection and been given some liquid gut stimulant. She said if he's not wanting to eat by 3 give him a syringe feed.
Not noticed any food gone so just spent from 2.50 till just now 3.35 string feeding him and giving meds.
He dose not like being syringe fed and was deff feisty....but I persisted. He's had some syringe feed and also some pear baby food to sweeten the pallet. He's now sulking with me again...oops.

Luckily he is well in himself....he was hopping about all morning (before vets) and playing with his toys. Vet has warned the pain killer can make him less active and a bit sleepy.
Anyway gonna keep tempting him with veggies and his fave things and hopefully will only be a day or two of syringe feeding before he is eating fully again.
He has a check up on Wednesday anyway so hopefully he will be eating again on his own by then :-) fingers crossed anyway x
What a lovely pair! (of baskets) :D
Did you make them yourself?
Yes, I do them every year together with my friend, we grab a bottle of wine, head down the very bottom of the gardens and create 4 basket all together as I'm a little more green fingered than her. I'm pretty sure were the only ones who do our own in our area, but it's very therapeutic to be honest.

What a lovely pair! (of baskets) :D
Trust you timothy!
I'm orf down the pab in a bit to celebrate, methinks I've finally found a drug that works for my joints aaaaand I can drink whilst I'm on it without going yellow :yahoo:
Just heading off to Carlisle, MrsHogg is taking part in Race For Life. I'm going to support her. :yahoo:
Good luck MrsHogg :-)

CAS is driving mr mad this morning with his syringe feed....
He kept dribbling his food out...constantly trying to escape from getting out the wrap of his towel.
He dose not like me much since his op...just want him to start eating properly on his own then I wont have to bother him by picking him up every few hours. If only I could tell him....sometimes I hate that they cant understand us. Oh well....back to part 2 of his feed lol x
Thanks. He's totally fine in feisty and still hopping about. He even been nibbling his fave toys (his loofa teddy and his cardboard and then he will have the odd nibble of not wanting food). He's sat on my bed atm having a rest bless him.
My bloody phone has nearly caused a row between me and the guy I'm seeing.Called him hunnie and the phone typed in Jimmie.Boyfriend went mad asking who the fxxk is Jimmie.Luckily he trusts me and believed me when I explained .What makes it worse is that I have a friend called Jim that he knows about.Thought I was gonna have to cadge a lift to show him what the phone did.