Chat Thread.

That's good :-)

Hope everyone else is well.

I am quite nervous Castiel the bunny is due to be neutered on Friday and I am so nervous. Its been years since I have had to have any pets neutered (at least 5 years) and I know for Castile's health and so he can at some point have a friend...he needs to get neutered. He's booked in for Friday and I am so nervous...i know its normal and sure he will be fine....just always a worry and as the days are getting nearer I worry more. X
Fingers crossed x
Hi guys. Has a busy day shopping and visiting my grandma. She wasn't having a great day today....although I managed to spoon feed her some ice cream...she just doesn't want to eat or drink.

Am so nervous about Cas' op tomorrow...i have not slept well the pl last 2 days...i really pray his op goes smoothly x

Nice day here today...sun out but a nice breeze...been just right for me x hope you're all well x
I'm sorry to hear your grandma is having a bad day today *hugs* I know what you are going through, it's so hard :( Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow for Castiel!
Morning chatters :-)

Just leaving in 5 with Cas for the stomach is in knotts. Please keep him in your thoughts today and send him healing vibes. I hope he doesn't hate me too much after.
Have bought him new fleece for his pen...his fave treats and new hopefully in a few days he will forgive me.

Have a good morning peeps :-)
Thanks everyone. Just spoke to vets and Cas is fine. Picking him up at 3.30ish. So relieved. Just need to make sure Cas keeps eating/drinking and going to the toilet okay etc. Just cleaned his pen....changed his litter tray and he has nice white fleece in his pen and been to shop to get some of his fave veggies :-)
Thanks all for the healing vibes :-) means alot...u guys are fab x x
Thanks everyone. Just spoke to vets and Cas is fine. Picking him up at 3.30ish. So relieved. Just need to make sure Cas keeps eating/drinking and going to the toilet okay etc. Just cleaned his pen....changed his litter tray and he has nice white fleece in his pen and been to shop to get some of his fave veggies :-)
Thanks all for the healing vibes :-) means guys are fab x x

I'm so pleased Cas is OK
CAS is home. Left him in his pen for a little while to settle in. Not eaten yet or been to loo.....but probs won't feel up to it for a little while. If nit eaten by tomorrow he will need to go back to vets to be checked over and have some gut stimulant etc . Am just gonna leave him be and try not to disturb him much today.
He did come hopping up to front of carrier when I saw him so that was nice....gave him a few nose rubs. He just looks sleepy and snuggled up on his fleece atm x