Chat Thread.

I have been trying to work out why I have been so ill l this year (still recovering from pneumonia, still off work) and come to the conclusion that I am just completely burnt out :-( I don't even have energy for the piggies, my husband and son have been doing all the daily care. I have spent two decades trying to fit too much stuff into each day.
Suddenly living a simple life like the Amish looks really appealing........
You do get like that, I've done it before and it takes a lot to recover from. Take care of yourself, have a little 'me' time xx
Mornin Ruth! :)

@Goth Mummy sorry to read that you're still unwell, it's been dragging on for a while now! I hope the docs can get to the bottom of it and get you back on your feet soon xx
How are you @jenniferanneharris ? Not seen you in a while :)
Hi hun, I'm not too bad thanks hun. Thanks for thinking of me. My grandma we think maybe has a few weeks left, shes being seen by the doctor every day now and is comfortable. She's mostly sleepy now with the odd day chatting, but some days its like she dosnt quite remember us 100percent, just recognition she knows us, but not as daughter/ granddaughter etc. Main thing is she is comfortable on morphine and antisickness, but her eating is almost nil and drinking the same, they say she will probs go on a drip very soon, shes also sick alot now also. Just been coping with that, in my free time i am so drained i dont want to do anything. .

I hope your all well. I do pop in most days just for a few mins to catch anything i can, but some days i forget. I am thinking of you all and it means alot you think of me. Thank you x
My step grandma is dying. She has a tumour in her stomach, she's on morphine and its hard to keep her comfortable. My Mum sounds absolutely exhausted, the family are trying to care for her at home as she wanted to die there not in a hospice. Everything seems kind of relentless at the moment. Anyone got any happy news? Xx
Hope your okay @jenniferanneharris *hugs*, you need to chill and put your feet up when you get some you time!

@Goth Mummy hope your doing okay :( sounds like your having a pretty tough time too! *hugs* you also need to make sure you put your feet up and relax!

Tea.. Is also good, tea, feet up, tele on ( open) whichever... That's what both of you need!
My step grandma is dying. She has a tumour in her stomach, she's on morphine and its hard to keep her comfortable. My Mum sounds absolutely exhausted, the family are trying to care for her at home as she wanted to die there not in a hospice. Everything seems kind of relentless at the moment. Anyone got any happy news? Xx

Sorry to hear about your step grandma. Its heart breaking isn't it? :( My grandmas is also in her stomach (plus liver and lungs) x
I have some good news, i started an Animal Shelter management diploma level 4 online a few days nervous but excited to get started, received my first module today :)x
Hope your okay @jenniferanneharris *hugs*, you need to chill and put your feet up when you get some you time!

@Goth Mummy hope your doing okay :( sounds like your having a pretty tough time too! *hugs* you also need to make sure you put your feet up and relax!

Tea.. Is also good, tea, feet up, tele on ( open) whichever... That's what both of you need!

mmmmm tea, a good cup of earl grey is in order for me i think. They say tea is the answer to everything :P x
Thanks all. How is everyone today?
Hope you're all well x

Am just leaving to go and see my grandma in a moment. Fingers crossed she's having a good day x
That's good :-)

Hope everyone else is well.

I am quite nervous Castiel the bunny is due to be neutered on Friday and I am so nervous. Its been years since I have had to have any pets neutered (at least 5 years) and I know for Castile's health and so he can at some point have a friend...he needs to get neutered. He's booked in for Friday and I am so nervous...i know its normal and sure he will be fine....just always a worry and as the days are getting nearer I worry more. X