Chat Thread.

There's a life lesson here really, you can't go judging people unless you've experienced it yourself. Frankly this twit should know better, shame on him. Maybe he's not ill and just throwing stones.

Heck, I need a cold shower now. Between the heat and the thought of that loser!

I hope your shower is successful in getting rid of those thoughts!

He's probably jealous that she's working.
Wow. That guy clearly does not understand depression. it affects people in different ways. Working might be what keeps her getting up each day, outside of work how does he know how she copes?
How is anyone meant to sleep in this heat?!
Morning Chatters! It thunderstormed last night! Lovely as it's cool outside now. I slept with window wide open and fan on full blast too!
I'm pleased that I can stop worrying about the dog and piggies overheating! But its got to stay nice as its our school summer fête on Saturday and I'm on the Cocoanut Shye!
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I just had sixth form induction day at school and it was absolutely sweltering, then freezing. (Karma in action when you see all the .... 'promiscuous' girls in the year shivering in their hot pants), then sweltering again. So not good weather to be doing 'team-building' in!

So no break in the heat here. Poor Poldark and Sage have been livid that they can't go outside! I've had to give them their favourite veggies to make up for it.
Morning everyone, was woken up by a scam caller claiming to be from talk talk. Wanted access to my computer, told them my internet was fine so they started swearing at me down the phone. Be on guard, talk talk say this is happening a lot!
Hope the picnic goes well today and the rain stays off :)
Well, I'm supposed to be getting lots of odd jobs done - but keep stopping for tea breaks !
I was planning to volunteer for Cavy Corner at Tickhill Gala today but Cavy Corner ( rightly) cancelled because the ground was wet. I feel like I've got day off!