Chat Thread.

I just done me a workout, all hot and sweaty!
Actually no, just had to climb into a loft to do some plumbing repairs. Crikey it was warm!
Yup, blummin thing is still leaking, back in I go. I thought it was coming from the valve, obviously not. Look like a new water tank! :(
Fixed it! :D
In a fashion.... :))

Tank is kaput but will still hold some water, so I've done a Timmy Special until a replacement is sorted ;)
Hahaha,.. Yep.. I'm so attractive right now Tim! :)) Melting into my fishing chair!
Gud lord! :))
Grab yourself a nice cool cider :tu:
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I was at my depression group today and one of the guys decided to tell a girl that she doesn't strike him as depressed because she works and he doesn't!
Aww little Tippy! :love:

OMG @theoretikos That's awful and downright insensitive! I've had that before "you can't have a chronic illness, you have a job". Some people are so ignorant!
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Aww little Tippy! :love:

OMG @theoretikos That's awful and downright insensitive! I've had that before "you can't have a chronic illness, you have a job". Some people are so ignorant!

Exactly! The girl was then hugged by the guy and apologised to but that freaked her out even more!

I've had the chronic illness one before; unfortunately I don't work at the moment because of it..I'd like to but people have a problem with that too lol
I didn't expect another depressed person to be so judgemental. At least she's out there trying to help herself even if it is a struggle.
I don't know how they could either. They both have the same reason why they're at the group for. It really angers me
I just don't like people who talk about things to get sympathy. If they want support about it though and feel better then of course that's different x