Chat Thread.

Well i raced to get the kids to their swimmings lessons for 10am only to arrive and be told both lessons are cancelled....Grrrrr
Apparently they tried to ring mobile was off until 8.45.. hey ho.. good job i drive and dont have to get the bus to get there like some do!
Good morning all! ^_^ Having a bit of a lazy morning at the moment. I have a tonne of work to do, but right now just chilling is pleasant.
I wish I could do that! Though I do get a little bit of a lie in on the weekends!

Boss... YOU MAD.
Yeap about an hour over lol. I have 5 in my room who start to do noisy things like laps, rumbling strutting, etc.

The two younger ones in there sit on their logs (those play stick things that you bend) and look out at me like "yoohoo come on get up!".
Mine are in the room next to our bedroom, any slight noise at any time of night or day and its "WE'VE NOT BEEN FED! MUM! MUM!"