Chat Thread.

Ouch! Never had it on my scalp before! Just on my wrists, arms and legs. It's cooled down a bit recently, but the odd burning up itch. I guess putting diprobase, bectnovate or hydrocortisone on your scalp wouldn't be very easy to do! :(
What a rip off! :eek:
Thanks :) hope your bonce gets better too! The smell of feet worsens in this weather too! Lol
Ugh! Cheap shoes make them smell even worse...have to go now time for my weekly soap opera fix in the form of Holby City. It requires a lot of concentration to keep up with storylines
No dip Tim :( but normally it's sour cream and chive mmm or cheese and chive.. Or something?! Along those lines.

I've had those roulette ones! They're yum!