Chat Thread.

Hope everyone is ok.

Had a bad evening :( we rushed Mavis to the vets after finding her after work in a bad state with her front legs not working properly and trying to walk around in circles. In the waiting room at the vets she ended up fitting and we made the decision to have her put to sleep as she wasn't going to come around from the fit, it was horrendous. :( I'm heartbroken, she was my old girl, the matriarch of my piggies. I just don't know what to do :(
Oh no i am so sorry hun xx ((hugs)) x x
Very sorry to hear about Mavis. But you gave her the best of care & a good life for a while. I know it's hard but PTS is so much kinder than letting a piggy live in distress.
Morning everyone. Thankyou all for your lovely words. It was extremely weird this morning going into the piggy room and not having her little face greet me.
I'm so sorry to hear about Mavis, such a shock for you. Massive hugs for you my lovely! xx
Hi Ruth! :)
I'm currently sat at my puter threatening it with a big stick

I tells it to work but puter says no :hb:
I've given up on the computer for the day and decided to scoffed a banana sammy, two crumpets and a berocca drink. Then I'll think about getting ready for work....
@Flutterby So sorry Ruth just saw your RB thread :( I couldn't believe it. PTS is an awful decision but one made with the love for them at the forefront of everything. How are her friends? x x
:( what's wrong with it?
when i turned my computer off last week, I had to wait ages for it to update. Next day I turned it back on and all was well, until I went to access my external hard drive. I've tried to undo the changes and other techies have also had a bash. Apparently, I'm not the only one having problems. I've had a good moan at microsoft and they have been in contact with the suppliers of Buffalo and can send off my hard drive to make it work, free of charge. It hasn't affected all their drives, just a handful and I seem to be one of the unlucky ones! :(
when i turned my computer off last week, I had to wait ages for it to update. Next day I turned it back on and all was well, until I went to access my external hard drive. I've tried to undo the changes and other techies have also had a bash. Apparently, I'm not the only one having problems. I've had a good moan at microsoft and they have been in contact with the suppliers of Buffalo and can send off my hard drive to make it work, free of charge. It hasn't affected all their drives, just a handful and I seem to be one of the unlucky ones! :(
@Flutterby So sorry Ruth just saw your RB thread :( I couldn't believe it. PTS is an awful decision but one made with the love for them at the forefront of everything. How are her friends? x x

They are ok Lee, I can't say there were extremely close to her, she ruled with an iron fist my little lady did. x
I'm getting more than a little bit peed of... Someone has come into our garden and cut our wind chime...
OMG Hit her!

Another crappy day, got home and Bumble had hay poke, pulled a bit piece of hay from out of his upper 'eye lid'. I contacted the vets straight away and she advised me the dosage for his weight for metacam and the antibiotics eye drops for him that I already have in from previous visits and he's heading to the vet tomorrow when Brian goes in for his check up. It looks ten times better already, I'm hoping the hay just irritated the eye until it was sore and there is no lasting or more serious damage.
Flutterby, sorry you are having such a bad time. I was thinking of you today, and hoping things get better soon. Hugs to you and Bumble and Brian.
@Flutterby oh no! Not more bad luck! I'm so sorry. You must be beating your head against the wall right now :(
@A&T seriously?! That is so cheeky. Mind you, I have windchimes in my apple tree. I like the spooky sound they make in the wind at night. Perhaps my neighbours hate me, I dont know!

I'm re-watching old Red Dwarfs, propped up on the sofa on loads of cushions, the kick-ass antibiotics finally seem to be making some impact on this pesky pneumonia. Red Dwarf is still just as awesome, it has not dated at all IMO.