Chat Thread.

Sorry to read about your family loss @ayemee :(
Give Peaches a squeeze from me xx
Afternoon you lot.Got a lie in this morning.Trying to summons up the energy to go into town cos need shopping.Hoping my daughter offers to go
Doctors Monday for me methinks! I'm feeling rough as a badgers bum. Two black eyes says I has Sinusitis :(
I need to find energy to go out to get me hair chopped though! Any volunteers? :)
Best medicine is hugs from you and kisses from the piggies! :D xx
Awe thanks everyone! xx
Trying to clean the boys out then I'm going back to bed for a bit :zzz:

Hope you're feeling better today Jill?
@ayemee I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your family are able to support each other.
@Tim yes, go to the GP if you are still feeling ill on Monday. I hope you manage to sleep it off though x

Its a beautiful day here today!
Thank you @Goth Mummy all the family have pulled together and supported one another so it's nice.

Been going through family photos today and laughing at some memories so it's been nice :)
Such a beautiful day today. All the piggies have been on the lawn, the kids have had the paddling pool out and even I managed to sit outside for a bit (pneumonia really really sucks I thought I would be better by now!).

Katie-Rabbit has been enjoying the sun too :)
Such a beautiful day today. All the piggies have been on the lawn, the kids have had the paddling pool out and even I managed to sit outside for a bit (pneumonia really really sucks I thought I would be better by now!).

Katie-Rabbit has been enjoying the sun too :)
You're not the only one not feeling so good! Get better soon xx
Are you poorly @Chief Guinea Pig ? I cant complain really. I know that I will get better, it just takes a while and I'm impatient. Lots of people and some on this forum have serious long term/life altering illness :( and my thoughts are with them x
Had a stomach ache all of the day, worst I've ever had. None of the pain killers helped. It's only just gone now after eating some grapes. Not been ill the rest of the week mind. No it's not bad in the grand scheme of things but we don't appreciate the little illnesses x
@Goth Mummy