Chat Thread.

@A&T seriously?! That is so cheeky. Mind you, I have windchimes in my apple tree. I like the spooky sound they make in the wind at night. Perhaps my neighbours hate me, I dont know!.

I know! Oh i really like the sound, I think its really pretty. It wasn't even that loud... unless it was proper windy, and even then you couldn't hear it if the windows were shut. Not letting them win, I'm gunna fix it some how! How dare someone come into my garden and cut my wind chime... miserable so and so's! Someone had a wooden one which was really annoying and a horrible sound! Its gone now, but much rather listen to my one!
Its a pretty twinkly sound that makes me think there are fairies in the garden! i used to have loads of wind chimes hanging from the sun-room ceiling in our old house :)
@Flutterby oh no! Not more bad luck! I'm so sorry. You must be beating your head against the wall right now :(
@A&T seriously?! That is so cheeky. Mind you, I have windchimes in my apple tree. I like the spooky sound they make in the wind at night. Perhaps my neighbours hate me, I dont know!

I'm re-watching old Red Dwarfs, propped up on the sofa on loads of cushions, the kick-ass antibiotics finally seem to be making some impact on this pesky pneumonia. Red Dwarf is still just as awesome, it has not dated at all IMO.

SMEG! its cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere, I'm all alone, more or less. Come lets fly, far away from here. Fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun. Fresh mango juice anyone? :))
Morning chatters!

Bumble's eye seems like it's back to normal this morning, thank god! He's still swinging by the vets tonight with Brian to have it checked though.
Hello, I have a new guinea pig edition! There's a picture but its not very good over on the getting amber a new friend thread :)
Here's my new little one
@A&T Awwwwwww squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :drool:

We will need a proper introductions thread don't forget....
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THAT NOSE! *munchmunchmunch!*
Very adorable Cat! :luv: :drool:
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@A&T she is so pretty! So tiny too. How old is she?

Well I think they're around 5 weeks? But I've not a clue to be honest, and the woman didnt know either. I'm hoping someone can make a better stab in the dark once I get some better photos :)
Evening all and what a glorious evening it is. Home from work, piggies straight out in the garden, car washed and I've now joined the piggies with a nice cold cider. This is such a rarity in Scotland.
@A&T your new piggie is gorgeous, I want to steal a cuddle! image.webpThe girls still aren't sure what this grass stuff is all about though, silly girls!
Evening all and what a glorious evening it is. Home from work, piggies straight out in the garden, car washed and I've now joined the piggies with a nice cold cider

Wish it was warm enough here do this. Very cold wind here for several days now, the boys did manage a little while outside today. I wrapped their run in a blanket to keep the wind off otherwise they won't come out their box, they don't like their fur messed up!
Oh maybe that's the problem, they don't want to mess up their luscious locks. Nalas getting the hang of walking on grass but Katie's not convinced. Hopefully it stays nice and they can get lots of grass time :).
Evening all and what a glorious evening it is. Home from work, piggies straight out in the garden, car washed and I've now joined the piggies with a nice cold cider. This is such a rarity in Scotland.
@A&T your new piggie is gorgeous, I want to steal a cuddle! View attachment 29722The girls still aren't sure what this grass stuff is all about though, silly girls!
Aw stunning!
He was fine, she checked over his eye but it had settled at night so she just double checked to make sure there wasn't any hidden damage :)
Most definitely! Nothing but bad luck recently, I'm so glad that there is no lasting damage to his eye.
Mornin! :)
I was informed yesterday evening that my little Dougal had developed a head tilt. It's either an ear infection or pain from a brewing abcess. He's had some Zithromax and I have been reassured he is still fine in himself. Poor little dude, I miss him!
Morning Tim!

Aww, poor little man! He's going through the wars! Sending healing vibes ot him Tim, I know it's awful when they aren't well. Give him a kiss from me when you next see him!
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