Chat Thread.

I'm up at 4am every morning during the week :) A little later at weekends depending on what shifts I'm covering.
Morning peeps. I am not happy. Was sitting in the garden yesterday for six hours...half of my nose is burnt. And my right arm! I look like half a tomato! :hb:
Hello all. I couldnt breathe this morning so had to go back to the doctor, but my mother in law has come to look after me and the kids so hopefully I will get some rest now.
Hello all. I couldnt breathe this morning so had to go back to the doctor, but my mother in law has come to look after me and the kids so hopefully I will get some rest now.
Oh no bless you hun. Make sure you take it easy, poor thing sounds awful x
Hope everyone is ok.

Had a bad evening :( we rushed Mavis to the vets after finding her after work in a bad state with her front legs not working properly and trying to walk around in circles. In the waiting room at the vets she ended up fitting and we made the decision to have her put to sleep as she wasn't going to come around from the fit, it was horrendous. :( I'm heartbroken, she was my old girl, the matriarch of my piggies. I just don't know what to do :(
Thank you. I'm having a horrid time, doubting everything that I do with them. Even contemplated giving it all up and rehoming them as I feel like I'm failing them. I do everything within my power for them and I'd be lost without them. They will never be rehomed, I know that, but it's times like this that have me wondering if it's for the best.
AW really sorry you have lost Mavis. Sometimes it can all seem to much when you lose them in a short time. We have had the same sort of year , we lost our guinea Cousin Amelia but before that and since have lost quite a few of our other animals. We have never experienced this before and I even bought carbon monoxide detectors as I was convinced we were missing something. Everything was fine with that but I know how horrible it is. Big hugs
We have those in our house already which we replace regularly. I've worried about it before when my hubby kept getting headaches, turns out it was his glasses as his eyes had deteriorated. It just sucks, the whole lot of it. I'm sorry you've experiences this too x
I think I just started racking my brains for answers. In the past two weeks alone we have lost two budgies and a mouse it really grinds you down x
So so sorry to hear about Mavis, it sounds just like our Toby. Massive hugs to to and yours... xx
So sorry to hear about Mavis, what a horrible shock for you.
You have given your animals a very good life and they have given you much pleasure, hope this is the end of your bad luck. Cyber hugs to you.
so sorry flutterby, nothing you could do hunni, dont beat yourself up about it
@Flutterby I went through the same thing when I lost Toffee and Ripple in December, I was convinced I was doing something wrong and considered rehoming my guinea pigs. I think its natural to feel that way though. I know you feel wretched now, but please dont think its anything you do. Its just bad, bad luck :(