Chat Thread.

Oh that's good then. I can understand that, it's a similar situation with my grandma. I don't know her, but give her a hug for me Jenny xx
@jenniferanneharris I am so sorry, but I can relate to your situation, it seems similar to the situation David's gran was in last year. she had a gynea cancer and dementia, and everyone agreed to stop telling her what was wrong, as she would just forget. Also to contradict her if she started to talk about needing to go to work/walk the dog etc would just distress her, so we all just humoured her. It sounds patronising but really theres no point making someone upset.

@madguinealady that poor baby and that poor family :( it would have made me cry to see her, I get very emotional when children are seriously ill.

I voted yesterday, then stayed up watching the election getting more and more depressed till going to be in despair!

And, right, I know that there are much worse things but I am fed up now :( I went to have my stitches out today and found out that the reason I feel so grim is that I have an infection in the wound, so now on antibiotics and have another week where I am supposed to lie down as much as possible . I'm sooooo hacked off with everything and just want to feel better so I can take my dog for a long walk and start running again!
Thanks, I'm sure I am just moaning though. I know my problems in are minor compared to others! My husband has been awesome at looking after me and the animals though. He took me out for lunch today in a really great bar in Nottingham called the Malt Cross where they hold craft workshops/vintage and retro events and there is an attached craft shop selling lovely things - he bought me a 1950s/rockabilly style swallow brooch and earrings to cheer me up.
Rubbish @Goth Mummy !
Not moaning at all. I certainly wouldn't want to be in your shoes! Moan away to me all you like :)

Aww that sounds lovely. I'm not too far away from Nottingham. x
Thanks @Chief Guinea Pig
And if you find yourself in Nottingham, look up the Malt Cross, its really lovely, its in a restored victorian music hall, sells good real ale, lovely homemade cakes and scrummy hot chocolate/coffees and also the profits go to various charities. Dave says its a bit hipster, but I would actually like to work there (but they wouldnt like me, I was a rubbish bar maid when I worked in a pub!)
I will make sure then I peek at Malt Cross after such high recommendation thank you @Goth Mummy :woot:
It's sounds like a really nice old school place. Hot chocolate :drool:
Aw no! I bet that's not true. They wouldn't have taken you on if you weren't much good!
Pulled many pints have you?

Its all about the tilt on the glass and the speed you pull the handle bit.
I'm a pro at pulling pints. :D
Showing my age but I was a Whitbreads silver badge holder and won an award for pulling a perfect pint of Murphys to a mystery shopper type. Cue piece in local paper, and a huge flag draped across the front of the pub announcing our huge success. Should have been delighted, right? Wrong. I was moonlighting in the evening and someone from my day job saw the piece in the paper. Caused me loads of trouble!