Chat Thread.

There was a baby at the next table and she was seriously cute.Blonde hair and blue eyes and waving at us.She had a tracheotomy tube in.Her parents told us she was born with a huge rumour on her neck that had to be removed and she had chemo cos cancerous.Lovely couple.The baby ended up out of the high chair and came to see us.The parents were so laid back about us holding her up.The waitress asked them about the tube in her throat and when they explained tobys wouldn't let them pay for the meal.
Tired.Trying to summons up the energy to go to course.Don't know if it's happening yet.

I'm not sure who I want to vote for - but will turn up - even if I spoil my paper.

I know who I DON'T want to vote for !
Yep i have voted, just went and did it before visiting my grandma.

Am home and so exhausted- visiting someone who has no memory she has cancer or why she is in a home is exhausting....cant keep telling her she has cancer and is dying thats why she is in a home, so we now explain its because her stomach trouble she has- some days good, some days shes bad and the nurses at the home can give her meds her regular carers cant. She seems happy enough with that- she just gets confused when she forgets and its stresses her more if we were to mention cancer again after each visit as she has no memory of it or even being in hospital...bless her heart.
Thanks guys. She's different every day so never sure how she is one day to the next...tomorrow she will probs be jolly and totally with it x
What's a balloon payment scheme?

Basically, the dealer predicts the value if the car at the end of the loan term and deducts that amount from the loan .

e.g . if the price of the care is £15,000 and the dealer predicts it will be worth £5,000 in 4 years, the customer will pay a loan on £10,000. at the end of the , the customer has 3 choices.

1) pay the outstanding balance of £5,000 and own the car
2) negotiate a new deal with the dealer for a new care on finance
3) hand the car in and walk away !
Basically, the dealer predicts the value if the car at the end of the loan term and deducts that amount from the loan .

e.g . if the price of the care is £15,000 and the dealer predicts it will be worth £5,000 in 4 years, the customer will pay a loan on £10,000. at the end of the , the customer has 3 choices.

1) pay the outstanding balance of £5,000 and own the car
2) negotiate a new deal with the dealer for a new care on finance
3) hand the car in and walk away !

I don't do finance, I deal in cash runarounds only. I do far too much mileage for a decent car. Plus if I have to go anywhere far on a course with work, they provide a brand new hire car and pay for the fuel. ;)