Chat Thread.

I've had two slices of toast and a narna instead :D
I'm gonna have one with a glass of skimmed milk. ;)
Jaffa cake bars?!? WHAT ON EARTH HAVE I MISSED?!?

Got fruit strawberries, blueberries, apples and bananies!
Oh and fermented grapes ;)
Jaffa cake bars?!? WHAT ON EARTH HAVE I MISSED?!?

Got fruit strawberries, blueberries, apples and bananies!
Oh and fermented grapes ;)
Fermented grapes?!? Isn't that wine? :))
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Oooh! @Flutterby we found Gandalf! He walked across the living room at 11pm last night and left me scoop him up. Yay! Much relief all round :)

@VickiA now I want cake! Lemon drizzel is my favourite. My kitchen is in no state to bake in sadly, as I decided to re-organise and got my children to take everything out of the cupboards so the table and all worktops are covered in kitchen clutter.
Oooh! @Flutterby we found Gandalf! He walked across the living room at 11pm last night and left me scoop him up. Yay! Much relief all round :)

@VickiA now I want cake! Lemon drizzel is my favourite. My kitchen is in no state to bake in sadly, as I decided to re-organise and got my children to take everything out of the cupboards so the table and all worktops are covered in kitchen clutter.
Thank goodness @Goth Mummy. Gandalf clearly felt his adventure was complete, just like our Sparkles (aka Houdini) did. It's like a surrender!

The cake stock report this morning reads : fruit cake - full stock green status; lemon drizzle -survived an attack of late night munchies by the OH and is in amber stock status; brownies - critical red alert status -crumbs all round the tin, sticky chocolate smeared knives in sink. The poor brownie clearly suffered an overwhelming attack of midnight munchies by teenage lads who have yet to emerge and finish off the pitiful looking remnants.
Mmm VickiA you are making me want cake so much! We were suppposed to be going to a National Trust house today, but have had to postpone due to me not being healed up yet, I was so looking forward to tea and cake as NT cafes are the best! It was Belton House in Lincolnshire that we were going to , which is where the 1980s kids series Moondial was filmed if anyone remembers that? @sport_billy cos I know you are the same age as me and Dave!
Well, I'm having a perfect day ! The weather is great, OH has gone out for the day - to sit in steam trains and the guinea pigs are having grass time. I'm just having a quick tea break while their hutch dries . I wonder if they'll let me have a piece of their cucumber so I can have a Pimms?
Oooh Pimms! Yes, you must have some :)
My husband has gone to get more fence paint and is getting me carrot cake as I missed out on the trip today :)
Mmm VickiA you are making me want cake so much! We were suppposed to be going to a National Trust house today, but have had to postpone due to me not being healed up yet, I was so looking forward to tea and cake as NT cafes are the best! It was Belton House in Lincolnshire that we were going to , which is where the 1980s kids series Moondial was filmed if anyone remembers that? @sport_billy cos I know you are the same age as me and Dave!
I remember Moondial! :)
Siri Neal! :luv:
I used to make my hair look like hers @Tim but retrospectively it was not a good look!
That series scared me so much as a child, but I loved it. I think we are going to Belton House next weekend, all being well. I wonder if the Moondial is there!
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I was about 12 at the time it was on. I wanted to Marry her! :))
I have been through Belton many times but never been to Belton House, I wouldn't mind going some time :)
@VickiA Time to make some more brownies! Back to it me dear, chop chop! :))
Yay, hi how are you? It's been on so quiet on this thread recently! I'm getting piggie withdrawal symptoms
Hellooo, I'm alive! Been having a bad few days so I've not been around really, apart from on the naughty corner a bit, but even then not really.

Everyone's done a bunk to the naughty corner!
How are you? :)