Chat Thread.

Hi everyone. Hope your having a good day. Miserable weather here. Just had a bath and am having lunch.
Hope your having a good day what ever you are doing :-)
Hi everyone. Hope your having a good day. Miserable weather here. Just had a bath and am having lunch.
Hope your having a good day what ever you are doing :-)
HI.Yes the weather is pretty awful here too in Cornwall.Blowing a gale and wet! You can tell it's half term,just look at the weather lol! I have been baking with our little two year old Amelia this morning,and then unblocked the sink.Amelia was helping,so we may have a plumber in the making yet. Just uploaded pictures of our two latest little ten week old additions,to the family.Trying to get a nice photo of the two older piggies too,so I can get them uploaded as well.Project for this afternoon for a while me thinks! Have a great afternoon.Sue
Hi everyone. Hope your having a good day. Miserable weather here. Just had a bath and am having lunch.
Hope your having a good day what ever you are doing :-)

Hello! How is Sweep? It's miserable weather here too :(

I'll see you in a bit then, I'll bring the custard :drool: :D

Make that two of us coming over later! :D
You have a good day too Jenny :) it's miserable weather here too! Hope it improves...we're off on a canal boat at the end of next week! Be a fun week if all it does is tip it down hahaha!
I was always called weird for hating liquid food touching dry food. Thank you for thinking the same way :lol!:

Hahahaha everyone thinks I'm really weird! I don't have my beans on my toast either.. I have my toast.. And then my beans... Can't deal with soggy food! Give me the heebie jeebies even thinking about it! I'm glad I'm not alone either!

HI.Yes the weather is pretty awful here too in Cornwall.Blowing a gale and wet! You can tell it's half term,just look at the weather lol! I have been baking with our little two year old Amelia this morning,and then unblocked the sink.Amelia was helping,so we may have a plumber in the making yet. Just uploaded pictures of our two latest little ten week old additions,to the family.Trying to get a nice photo of the two older piggies too,so I can get them uploaded as well.Project for this afternoon for a while me thinks! Have a great afternoon.Sue

I thought it was windy here! And I'm in London where its fairly sheltered! Your near the coast! I bet you can't even stand up outside! I nearly for blonde over when I went our earlier! And it was vertical rain so my whole right side was soaked! :( I thought spring was meant to be nice!
It also sounds like you'll never have to play for a plumber again! Got yourself a mini plumber there! Hahaha.
I've started sorting out my room... You know when you start trying to organise something, and you end up with a bigger mess than what you had when you started? Yeah...I've done that. Haha, think it's time to put the kettle on!
Duncan has just treated us to a hard earned dominos! Just waiting for it to arrive now, starved and exhausted! Only 5 more days til I get a day off!
Don't do it @ayemee don't do it! I regret starting! Haha, kettle on now though :) oo creme egg, I could eat mini eggs right now!

Hahaha I might not to be fair. I still have an essay to start. :(

Duncan has just treated us to a hard earned dominos! Just waiting for it to arrive now, starved and exhausted! Only 5 more days til I get a day off!

Dominos is so good. I had one last night. Pizza and creme eggs... As you can tell.. I eat very healthy. :P
This wind is really scary.. Time for a brew myself.