Chat Thread.

Bless it. :(

Yeah thats a good idea. I guess if it associates you with giving it food it should begin to trust you.

Yeah exactly! It sniffed my hand today! So I guess thats a step in the right direction?!

Hows your drawing going?!
Yeah exactly! It sniffed my hand today! So I guess thats a step in the right direction?!

Hows your drawing going?!

Yeah I would definitely say so! I haven't started them yet, I got distracted by C&C cage tours on Youtube. :P
About to start some now! :tu:
Yeah I would definitely say so! I haven't started them yet, I got distracted by C&C cage tours on Youtube. :P
About to start some now! :tu:

Hahahahaha oh I hate distractions. 4 hours later you all like "oh yeah.. Thats what I was doing!" I'm so easily distracted too.

Just spent about 20 minutes trying to get two mating frogs into my pond.. They were sitting on top of the net on the polystyrene! Tippy kept batting it! Probably would have brought it in if I'd left them! Eerrrgh frogs scare me.
Hahahahaha oh I hate distractions. 4 hours later you all like "oh yeah.. Thats what I was doing!" I'm so easily distracted too.

Just spent about 20 minutes trying to get two mating frogs into my pond.. They were sitting on top of the net on the polystyrene! Tippy kept batting it! Probably would have brought it in if I'd left them! Eerrrgh frogs scare me.

Yeah thats exactly it! I've just attempted one drawing and it looks like guinea pigs with flippers on... Oh dear. Think I might try tomorrow instead! Hahaha!

Hahaha! They always make me jump because you never know when they're about to hop! :P
I blame the clocks!

It's cage cleaning day today! I really enjoy cleaning them out on Sundays :)

Do you have any plans for today?
No plans for today really, well nothing special. I am working til one, then it's cage cleaning day plus i'm gonna weight the girls, do any bum baths and nails that are needed too. Then hopefully if I feel up to it i'll get some more cage liners sewn :)
That sounds nice :) I need some new scales to weigh the girls on.

They had their nail trim last week. It must be a nightmare with so many of them! Two of them was stressful enough :))
I got mine from argos:

They work brilliantly and big enough to fit my fat girls in! :P :P

The babies are a handful, they are still learning the jist of it, they only get the tips done to keep on top and get them used to it. Chilli and Salsa are ok with it, they've had them done since babies so are used to it. Mavis never had her nails done before I took her on last year, she's 5, so they were a mess. Thankfully they are shorter now and getting there, but they are thick and horrible and I don't think they'll ever be perfect. She's comfortable with them though and they are short now so it helps.
I got mine from argos:

They work brilliantly and big enough to fit my fat girls in! :P :P

The babies are a handful, they are still learning the jist of it, they only get the tips done to keep on top and get them used to it. Chilli and Salsa are ok with it, they've had them done since babies so are used to it. Mavis never had her nails done before I took her on last year, she's 5, so they were a mess. Thankfully they are shorter now and getting there, but they are thick and horrible and I don't think they'll ever be perfect. She's comfortable with them though and they are short now so it helps.

Brilliant :D Amber will be a big girl I think.

Bless them :) I love the name Mavis! It's so cute.
Thank you :) Lyza bites the towel in a temper when she has her claws done. She will sit on my lap, have them done nicely without a fuss them proceed to have a tantrum and bite the hell out of the towel! She's a madame!
Is Lyza your grey piggy? Shes a beauty :)

Yes Amber is a towel biter too. Clothes biter too! Whenever I hold her against my chest she tugs at my clothes with her teeth in protest. I think it will be a few more months until she is fully tame..
morning :) it's cage clean day for me too. Shaun is also a monkey when having his nails cut, he's really squirmy! He hates having his hair cut too and squeaks like mad. He's definitely my diva pig!
Haha! I'm just scared she will take a chunk out of my finger one day!

It seems like most people do the cage clean on Sundays :)
Feels like I've been run over by a steam roller, never drinking again! Until next time...
Great weekend away in Derbyshire though :)
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I'm having a fry up! No beans though... Can't risk possible bean juice contamination.........

I was always called weird for hating liquid food touching dry food. Thank you for thinking the same way :lol!: