Chat Thread.

The dream matt mouse is matt though, so doesn't have a shine to it, but doesn't have that powdery look either.
I kind of have acne :( so foundation is the only option! Either that or turn people to stone when I walk out the house :))
Yeah it is! Hormones settle and all that :P Although, my skin on my face is crap since i got the implant. Luckily the only side effect i've had from it.
I was thinking that! It's all got very girly.. I may be slightly responsible. Oooops! :))
Thank you :) Mine was just a quick edit, my eyes are too tired to mess around with pain shop tonight.
I was like who the heck is that! Its you Ruth! You tricked me! I like it though.

To be fair.. I'm pretty sure Tim and boss know more about makeup than we do!