Chat Thread.

Used to be an iphone girl, hated them, switched to samsung and would never go back. loved my S3 and love my S5 :)
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I cant fault my samsung ;P ;)

I need pudding! i fancy custard!
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Unfortunately we have the burden of being Scottish... :woot:

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Where is everyone today? Are they out out?!?!

I'm sitting here with a brew and hula hoop 'pufts'..... Living the high life I am.
I'm in bed, I only grabbed 3 hours sleep this morning when I finished night shift, so I'm rather pooped now! :zzz:
eeek! sounds like you need an early night!
I'm not out out, I'm on the sofa with a blanket round me hoping somehow I'll magically appear in my bed instead :) we both clearly know how to spend Friday nights!
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hahahaha at least we're not gunna wake up tomorrow and completely forget I was even alive on friday night @katie-elizabeth !

I thought you had gone to bed! YOUR STILL WITH US! I say us... I believe I'm the only one here now...well.. me and you.
True! We'll be fresh as daisies tomorrow! This has happened before....just me and you...was it something we said?
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I need a tea... but the kettle is so far! and loud! do you have a loud kettle?! ours sounds like 100 broken fans.

Its true... this isn't the first time. Maybe we're to weird for them... Maybe they cant handle our oddness :(!
Yes, ours sounds like it might explode! Not helpful when you're the only one awake! I made it to bed. It's cold though and you know how I feel about being cold!

Hmm too odd...nahhh we're all crazy here! Or are we just that bit too far hahaha
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Whats with kettles like that!?! I mean I'm all like "calm down.. your only boiling water!", Oh i hate trying to be quiet when I know I'm the only one awake! I'm always so loud.. and as you know.. I'm really clumsy.. and being quiet is impossible. I'm almost bound to fall up the stairs and spill tea everywhere!
Oh god! Not cold! Quick do the warm the bed dance with your legs! and get...uncold?!?

hahahaha yeah maybe we're like past it... we're past that "oh there abit weird.. but cool weird" now its all "okay... they're really weird *backs away slowly*"
:yikes: Your doing well! How are you even still awake?!?

We're not to weird for you are we :D
I'm running on autopilot! Catching up with stuff on my sky plus planner that I missed on night shift. ;)
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I'm ere sort of, ish
Sod it!
I'm off, gud Nighty luvvies xx
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lightweight! I've had 3 hours sleep since 2 pm Thursday!
LOL Hello @Tim ! Goodnight Tim! :D

Oh no not autopilot! I'm running on 'I dont have a life so i may aswell stay up until silly o clock watching stuff on netflix ;D! Do you have work tomorrow? Or isit your day off?! :D
Oh thats not too bad :) You get a whole weekend off! Have you got any plans for your days off?
baby sitting, youngest grandson is staying over the weekend
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Awwww :D Arnt you just the best grandad ever! How young is he?! baby young?! or toddler?
hahahaha awww bless him! Bet hes into everything! I have lots of younger cousins who I use to see loads when they were younger, into everything wanted to always do things! Told me what to do more than I told them what to do! Now they're all grown up! Ones nearly 13! Its crazy! They grow up fast! Now I know why everyone's like "God you've grown up fast :fog:" to me now.
Whats with kettles like that!?! I mean I'm all like "calm down.. your only boiling water!", Oh i hate trying to be quiet when I know I'm the only one awake! I'm always so loud.. and as you know.. I'm really clumsy.. and being quiet is impossible. I'm almost bound to fall up the stairs and spill tea everywhere!
Oh god! Not cold! Quick do the warm the bed dance with your legs! and get...uncold?!?

hahahaha yeah maybe we're like past it... we're past that "oh there abit weird.. but cool weird" now its all "okay... they're really weird *backs away slowly*"
Morning! Sorry I lefts you! My bed was obviously too comfy once i'd warmed it up! talking of spilling tea, I spilt my tea all over the floor at work yesterday, then spilt my juice all over the sofa in the staff room. Also bumped my head on the corner of a cupboard the day before - OUCH! hope you've had a less clumsy week?!
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How long do most people keep their samsung phones?
Mines pretty old now, and looking at everyone else around me with ones higher than it, it doesn't feel like I'm holding gold anymore!
How long do most people keep their samsung phones?
Mines pretty old now, and looking at everyone else around me with ones higher than it, it doesn't feel like I'm holding gold anymore!

I've had my Samsung galaxy s4 for about a year and 6 months. The longest I've had a phone without either getting bored or annoyed at it. I use to change my phone like every year even less than that sometimes.