Chat Thread.

I don't do stressed, I have to remain calm and in control at all times in my job. ;)
I haven't been too stressed out recently, thankfully. Although my dad gave us a scare yesterday when he doubled up with pains in his chest. Fortunately it was trapped wind.

As for coffee, I only have one a day, as it comes but no sugar please :)

@Goth Mummy , so sorry to hear of the rough time you're having at the moment. Hope everything goes ok with your surgical procedure, I'm sure your gp can give you something to help, there is never any harm in asking. Take care xx
Something happy:
We went to Build a bear at the weekend :) We love My Little Pony :D
Why on earth do you think your face is fat! You are so pretty. Your little girl is gorgeous too.
Ellooo me dear! :)

Cheers @ayemee , he's still not eating right but recon it's an ulcer is playing up. Scared the :cen: out of me yesterday though!

I bet! Chest pains are always so scary because you straight away think the worst! But glad it wasn't anything serious.
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We are having a late dinner tonight, so fed the piggies first usual veggies, top up hay and change water bottles.. Did we get any peace, not a chance, Not a good idea to have a salad..... :no: for our dinner, they think it's seconds for them... :own: :doh:
Awww thank you for your kind words everyone. I think my daughter looks like an elf, like someone out of Lord of the Rings. . She should have pricked ears!

I cant drink caffinated coffee anymore, it makes me shake!

@BossHogg and @Flutterby my job should not be stressful, though it is pressured and workload can be intense but for some reason I find it very stressful at the moment. I could never do anything like Boss Hogg's job or work in A&E for example, I would just go to pieces.

@lisaali I went without my tea last night, I had bought a posh bagged salad and the piggies all went so crazy when I opened it that i caved in and gave it all to them!

My mum is coming to see me tomorrow and to help with the children as I am not well. yay for mums :)
I understand what you mean. I am finding my job stressful at the moment too when it shouldn't be, but it's nothing to do with the actual job. I hope you are feeling a little bit better!
@Flutterby yeah, with my job, the actual tasks themselves are not inherently stressful, it is the volume, the pressure and being overwhelmed that is making me struggle.

Hey, does anyone like Courtney Barnet? I heard her on Radio 1 (Annie Mac I think) tonight.
I'm on patrol, we've got heavy snow, its a white out! :yikes:
Just stopped to grab a paper, I'll be in bed in 40 minutes. ;)