These have lovely enclosures and it's all very clean and they have everything they need. I'm just so worried about two females in particular. I feel like telling someone will not change anything so I might email.. Not sure what to do.
I'm poorly with a tummy bug and really bad sore throat. And am coughing.
I think I caught something when I was at the hospital yesterday
I have been sitting up in bed since 5am going through work emails and forwarding them on to my manager as I will have to be off today. I feel really guilty, but theres no way I will manage at work today
Oh no! I feel the same when I am ill from work, but there is no way you can help it! Dose yourself up and doss in bed watching Jezza. Hope you are feeling more human soon!
I woke up at 3am and felt so sick. I had that little panic thinking I was actually going to throw up. Felt a bit better after an hour and went back to sleep. My body knows I'm due some time off soon I'm sure... I'm always ill when I have holiday leave.
Yeah exactly! Oh well. I'll have a nice bath and then try and take some photos of the pigs for the Easter countdown photo thread this afternoon. Try and take my mind off it!
Afternoon all! Get well soon @Goth Mummy and @ayemee. I'm not feeling 100% at all today but not poorly enough to be off work really. Roll on home time!
I'm lying in bed feeling sorry for myself! I will try some toast
I'm feeling quite guilty, I seem to have had a run of illnesses or maybe its the same one that wont go away, and I wonder what my employers are thinking of me. Perhaps its to do with anaemia and this immune system disease that I apparently have now......meh
I also think having to have my horse put to sleep on 15th March has just knocked me flat .....
Hope you're ok Cassandra. It does sound like losing your horse has probably affected you being able to fight whatever is going on. my OH has an auto-immune disease and tends to have a run of illnesses.
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