Chat Thread.

Right, I've kicked MrsHogg out of the bed, I'm now stretched out in a warm, full king size bed on my own! :yahoo:
On days where I'm at work, I want to stay in bed all day. Now I've got a few days off, I'm wide awake at 7am! :hb:
Oh well I can get more stuff done I guess!

Mum wants to go to wilkos today and get more props for the Easter piggy photo... We attempted yesterday and it just didn't work. So it's take two today :P My mums getting so excited by it haha! :)
It's fun when you can do photoshoots with props! I hope you find some good things to use :)
Thanks me too! I just hope Amber isn't a diva again today. She knocks everything over with her big piggy bum then looks so content and pleased with herself afterwards :P

I'm back at uni tonight for one final shift tomorrow. Then two weeks off!... To write and essay and revise for an exam. Woo!
My computer is poop :(

I can play it, but then my computer decides to overheat and freeze the game! I'm gutted because it looks so good.

Ohh that use to happen with the sims 3 for me, put it on an external hard drive in the end and it worked.
Were you able to play the sims 3 on it?
Ohh that use to happen with the sims 3 for me, put it on an external hard drive in the end and it worked.
Were you able to play the sims 3 on it?

Yeah it played sims 3 fine. Which is what I don't understand! :(
Yeah it played sims 3 fine. Which is what I don't understand! :(

Ah I see, it could be that sims 3 is taking up loads of room? Which then makes sims 4 run slow. Do you have loads of expansion packs for sims 3 too?
:) how is everyone today? I am watching poirot at the moment...with a nice cup of earl grey. I hurt my back last night half dismantling the piggie cage so I could add more cable ties to make the cage more secure. Least its done now and looks much tidier under the cage. Sat with 2 heat patches on while i rest my back. X
Ah I see, it could be that sims 3 is taking up loads of room? Which then makes sims 4 run slow. Do you have loads of expansion packs for sims 3 too?

Yeah but I uninstalled them all before I got sims 4. Just doesn't make sense :(

Hope your back feels better soon Jenny!

I keep getting random pains in my chest. My mum is panicking and saying I should go to a doctor but I hate going! It's probably just because I'm really unfit to be honest.

I think it could be muscular but I'm not too sure.
Yeah but I uninstalled them all before I got sims 4. Just doesn't make sense :(

Hope your back feels better soon Jenny!

I keep getting random pains in my chest. My mum is panicking and saying I should go to a doctor but I hate going! It's probably just because I'm really unfit to be honest.

I think it could be muscular but I'm not too sure.
Aw bless you. I say always best to check it out...its probs nothing as you say....but always best to get it checked out to be safe. They may be able to give you something to strengthen the muscle if its a pulled muscle. X
:) how is everyone today? I am watching poirot at the moment...with a nice cup of earl grey. I hurt my back last night half dismantling the piggie cage so I could add more cable ties to make the cage more secure. Least its done now and looks much tidier under the cage. Sat with 2 heat patches on while i rest my back. X
Oh no hope your back improves soon :( I'm off work today, hardly slept last night because I'm full of cold and still have a headache from yesterday. Keep going hot and cold - silly bugs! Tea is helping though!x
Aw bless you. I say always best to check it out...its probs nothing as you say....but always best to get it checked out to be safe. They may be able to give you something to strengthen the muscle if its a pulled muscle. X

That's true. But getting an appointment is such a nightmare. I'm the type of person to just hope it goes away on it's own... Which isn't brilliant I know!

How are you feeling after a sit down and a cuppa?

Oh no hope your back improves soon :( I'm off work today, hardly slept last night because I'm full of cold and still have a headache from yesterday. Keep going hot and cold - silly bugs! Tea is helping though!x

Oh no! Those flu type symptoms are horrible! Hope you feel better soon x
That's true. But getting an appointment is such a nightmare. I'm the type of person to just hope it goes away on it's own... Which isn't brilliant I know!

How are you feeling after a sit down and a cuppa?

Oh no! Those flu type symptoms are horrible! Hope you feel better soon x
thank you, hate wasting the day doing nothing! Glad I'm not at work, I'd be no use to anyone today lol x
I get pains in my chest, went to the doctor about it and he just said it was probably acid.