Chat Thread.

It does :) Tuesday, 10pm! Just catching up as we watched half of it then for some reason never continued!
I'm knackered, been in Market Bosworth all day to see my buddy King Ricky III :D
Working til 3, then go see my grandma, get home maybe get the pigs out on the lawn depending on weather, take the dogs out, do some housework, shower and chill then bed! Yep that pretty sums up my day. You?
Wow a very busy day!

I've got some time off until Friday so catching up on jobs mainly. Taking the piggies to the vets, gardening, and seeing my grandma :)

I think it's going to be sunny here again today. I've been worried about getting the girls out on the lawn yet as it hasn't hit above about 8 degrees here :(
It is miserable here and just started raining so no lawn time today for mine. I didn't measure the temp yesterday for my girls but I was out in a dress yesterday afternoon in the garden so plenty warm for the piggies. They came in as soon as the sun came off the lawn. Tuckered out they were!
I know! It was lovely about 7am now it's rubbish.

I feel like the girls know they're going to the vet today. They keep giving me evil looks.
Sneaky little devils!


I'm looking forward to the part here Amber squeals and sinks her teeth into anything that's around her. Might need to prewarn the vet about that part.. :whistle:

Wanted to do some gardening today but the dull cold weather is really putting me off.
She was a good girl. :)

I've just ordered them a pink strawberry cosy!

Still grey and dull here :( but got the lawn cut before any rain comes.
Me too because I was the one who had to hold her!

Have you ever been bitten by a piggy?

I'm going around some garden centres now in order to motivate myself a little!
I havent thankfully! Been nipped but not properly bitten. Aww I want to go around garden centrea, but I can't fit anymore in my garden lol. Have fun!
That's good then! Mabel nibbled me once but I think she was just figuring out what I was.

Thank you! I love garden centres. Just bought myself some mini cactus plants to put in my room. They're so cute!
They're lovely aren't they!

Downside is that we've come to look around the garden centre with the new pet section I mentioned a couple of weeks back.

Two of the females look very pregnant :(