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I've got a 4 year old Toshiba 17" lappy, its a hand me down from my son after he got a new one for Christmas. He'd dropped it, snapping one of the hinges and snapped nearly every panel on it. I picked up a broken one off eBay for £25, it had no internal parts but the case was intact. A mate at work who dabbles in computers, made one good lappy from the 2 for a bottle of red wine. ;)
Ah... I know that place well Tom.

P.s does anyone know of any good laptops? I think mine is on the verge of...... death. It turned off and wouldn't turn on for ages :( then took ages rebooting.
Have you tried reinstalling windows?
Wow, yes, where can I get me one of those Tom?! :P Thats a good idea though, buying a souless laptop to just use the bits of broken stuff from your orginal one! I would never have thought of that. Then again i am abit of an idiot.

Um... No I havent, could that be it? Windows just did that update thing, thats why it turned off in the first place I think, i moved it two 4 hours postpone then maybe i think it just turned off?! does it normally take awhile to turn back on after an update?
There are some parts I couldn't get to work, like the volume button, I've put that on the system tray so I can alter the volume with the mouse. The webcam doesn't work, but that's not a problem, and I've had to set wifi so its permanently on. 3 little niggles that I can live with. The lappy cost over £550 when it was new, so it wasn't a cheap one. ;)
Oh yeah there not huge things! I always get freak out someones watching me through my laptop! So I always put a bit of bluetack over it! scary! Oh god yeah that is quite an expensive laptop! And you basically got it for free! bargain! I need to get my old laptop fixed for my mum actually. Might see if I can find an old one like you did! :D Ta Tom!
You might want to turn it on and leave it a while for it to do its 'thing'. If that fails, you have my permission to have a tantrum ;)
Keep checking Ebay, gumtree and preloved. You may pick up a bargain, it can easily have the hard drive wiped and reloaded. I'm going to invest in an external hard drive and put everything from both my pc and laptop on it. I'm then going to get rid of my pc and wipe the hard drive on the lappy before loading it with windows 10. ;)
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Keep checking Ebay, gumtree and preloved. You may pick up a bargain, it can easily have the hard drive wiped and reloaded. I'm going to invest in an external hard drive and put everything from both my pc and laptop on it. I'm then going to get rid of my pc and wipe the hard drive on the lappy before loading it with windows 10. ;)
10? What happened to 9? :eek:
Keep checking Ebay, gumtree and preloved. You may pick up a bargain, it can easily have the hard drive wiped and reloaded. I'm going to invest in an external hard drive and put everything from both my pc and laptop on it. I'm then going to get rid of my pc and wipe the hard drive on the lappy before loading it with windows 10. ;)

I have a two terabit one! isit terabit? well... I'm going for terabit so yeah.

You might want to turn it on and leave it a while for it to do its 'thing'. If that fails, you have my permission to have a tantrum ;)

Hahahaha I like a good tantrum! Okay, well it seems to be okay now?! Like.. it was a bit slow, but it seems okay again now?! :) Thanks Tim!
They decided it was too buggy and clumpy, so ms have gone straight to 10. ;)
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I tried it once, but it was really drying because of the cranberry juice! But I added lemonade and that was amazing! @katie-elizabeth

You mean straw right?! think you've had a bit to much already @Tim !
Hahaha oh cat we've had this convo before haven't we lol, cranberry and raspberry juice is less drying :)and I didn't even notice time's spelling mistake lol
Hahaha oh cat we've had this convo before haven't we lol, cranberry and raspberry juice is less drying :)and I didn't even notice time's spelling mistake lol

Oh wow 30 minuets ago, soz I was doing Amber and the cats and stuff!

hahaha I thin we definatly have! wait... hold on, I didnt even know you could get cranberry AND raspberry juice?! Thats a thing?!?

Omg Katie...Time... who's Time?!?!? LOL I'm the spelling mistake queen tonight
I'm drinking tropical juice, what a looser.
:yikes: Oh darn it! am I allowed to blame my autocorrect?!?:whistle:
Loser , not looser...
Grammar police are out on duty tonight ;)
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OHHH MYYYY GODDDDD!! Seriously... I have so many expletives right now.

P.s just checked that like 100 times for mistakes... I have no idea how to spell anyway to be fair. I suck at this! I'm all like
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No worries me dear, I'm just naturally cheeky :)
Innit :))
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Innittt. That's very East London of you Tim, have you been struck with a hint of the East London side?!?
Innittt. That's very East London of you Tim, have you been struck with a hint of the East London side?!?
Nope, just the local chavs that like to go on their jollies to Benidorm :))