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Lol they were so calm at the rescue...all cuddled up and noisesnow back home and in the cage (cleaned) chattering...squeeking all kinds.
Hopefully sweep will calm down soon....gogi and sweep are both eating hay the moment...elderberry is hiding under the ramp bless her. Sweep keeps trying to hump them....silly boy.
Luckily no chattering for a few mins now and sweep and gogi are washing themselves (separately) ...its never dull.
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It must be such fun to watch them. Are you keeping their names?
Indeed it is fun. Unsure if I will keep names...will see over next few days.
All much calmer now...sweep is sulking...the girls are so relaxed....curled up and eating...totally chilled....sweep is much calmer now....will upload some pics later. :-)
Yesterday at five to seven someone started hammering at the door for ten minutes. Constantly bashing it and ringing the doorbell. It was horrible.
Thanks, Yeh i love rabbits!, I have had rabbits since i was 16 - all rescues except my first one who died age 4 months due to a genetic condition (he had a twisted bowel :( )
(10 years ago now) and when my last few died i have had a gap of a few years - loosing them is always hard so needed a break.

Rabbits are very hard work indeed - My previous bunnies were at first house bunnies, but then my step dad built them a beautiful encolousre of 2 playhouses with a connecting run between them. But we took it down after my last bun died as it was too painful keeping it up and took up so much space.

He will be in my very well made hutch
(that one) i bought it 3 years ago for my piggies but they soon became indoor piggies after about 4 months lol. Plus i also have a run i am doing up.

My conservatory is being built in the next few months at home (i live with parents) - so when that is built mum said that he can come inside for winter. I am gonna get him vaccinated when i collect him - plus neuter him in the summer when its warmer.

Tomorrow i will be painting the run and steam cleaning the hutch- then spray with f10 cleaner and allow to air dry a few days.It will be a vry busy day tommor as i ahve to go to my great aunts place and help tidy/ throw away some old stuff as she is due out of hospital thursday all being well- but she has so much stuff in a small flat she needs it cleared before she can come home.
I also will be visiting my grandma for a few hours- she's still in the temp home down the road- she has been doing well- but had a bad day today- think her meds need upping again. She was very dizzy and confused- something she hasnt been for weeks- she also had a bad cough that has been there a few weeks so the doctor is visiting her tomorrow.... busy busy :)
I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm more of a rabbit person myself. I think maybe it's because they are more interactive than piggies. I still love piggies, but I think I'll be continuing on with rabbit as a pet once my Vixen pig moves in with my sisters piggy. But that being said, I seem to prefer the giant rabbits for some reason. I think maybe because I find they are more curious and gentler.
Nope.piggies are making too much noise...i cant relax...on tentahooks lol.
How r you today Tim? :-)
Hi jennifer, I'm ok ta but had a naff night at work last night. Slightly better tonight, busy but better. How's you? Any particular reason why your piggies are restless? :)
Edit: scratch that last comment, I remember why! Just call me Dory..... :doh:

Settling in a bit better now?
Hellooooo! Any body theeeere?
Nodded off again then...
Ah, no worries. I'll let you off this time ;)
Just 45 mins left of my shift :yahoo:
Woohoo. :-) Do u always work nights n do u like it? I think i would struggle to sleep day time...i need to the room to br pitch black to sleep lol x
Woohoo. :-) Do you always work nights n do you like it? I think i would struggle to sleep day time...i need to the room to br pitch black to sleep lol x
Yeah, I've worked nights for about 12 years now, I suppose I'm used to it. Only 4 shifts a week though :) I quite like it if I can shift my body clock on the weekend. I try and get to bed for about 6 am and get up at 11 am. Doesn't always work though, I over sleep a lot and wake up about 4 PM wondering what planet I'm on! It messes up my weekend a bit then :( It was ok when I used to do rallying as my brother came round and dragged me out of bed as we usually had to be in Wales for lunchtime on a Friday and up about 5 am on the Saturday morning. I can sleep anywhere though, have been known to nod off on a beach for a few hours and wake up a nice shade of lobster :doh: :))