Chat Thread.

I'm the same ;) Thanks for asking. I was brave and asked occ. health at work if they could fast track me in any way for CBT, as the wait on the NHS is quite long and I know it is something that other people have accessed quicker through work. Took me about 3 days to send the email though! I don't want anyone to think badly of me because of anxiety issues.
Not at all. Well done you! You should be very proud of yourself fo asking for help. ((hugs)) x x
Just went down to see Cas and he was out in the main area on his bunny blanket, looking out. I sat infront of the hutch and slowly opened the door and he didnt move, and i put in a little bowl of dandelion mix..and he hopped straight to it and started to much it. Closed the hutch back up and letting him eat in peace. :)
I was surprised he didnt hop off...he looked like he was going to before i opened the hutch, but didnt. Hopefully he will eat a bit more soon...still not touched his veg or pellets, but as long as he eats hay/ dandelion i dont mind... Bless him, hopefully tomorrow he will have a bit more of an appetite. He's such a cutie x
I'm so pleased! I know its such a worry with rabbits, I half wish that I had never known about things like gut stasis. I meant to say not to worry about his spur, Katie had spurs when I first got her but then at her subsequent dental check she had worn them down, I think it was just lack of hay and grass.
I'm so pleased! I know its such a worry with rabbits, I half wish that I had never known about things like gut stasis. I meant to say not to worry about his spur, Katie had spurs when I first got her but then at her subsequent dental check she had worn them down, I think it was just lack of hay and grass.
Thanks :) Indeed. Vet said not to worry as it was only the start of one, just to keep an eye on his eating etc. :) As you say i am hoping with some good quality hay etc and less sugary foods he will thrive. Not expecting miracles, i know it will be a few days before he is eating as much as he should as he has just had a major life adjustment in just 24 hours now. :)
@piggyfan you asked for a photo of Hector and Jack free-ranging round my bedroom - well here they are tonight ;) they like to sit under the curtains by the radiator and we currently have no carpet in our room, only bare and not very nice floor boards as we are preparing to decorate so I put a towel down there for them to lie on :wub:

@piggyfan you asked for a photo of Hector and Jack free-ranging round my bedroom - well here they are tonight ;) they like to sit under the curtains by the radiator and we currently have no carpet in our room, only bare and not very nice floor boards as we are preparing to decorate so I put a towel down there for them to lie on :wub:

Oh they are adorable! Thank you for the picture.
Warm... Warm you say!? Have u been outside? Or have you just been feeling it through the windows?
Aahahahaha. I poped into my garden to get a stray carrier bag that had made its way there. Bit chilly when it winds.

Right weird question... But does anyone else's.. 'Council' or 'area' cut down all there trees around this time every year? And when I say cut down.. I mean like.. Stumpy and weird looking, no brances just massive nodules.