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Bobby is poorly

I hope he feels better soon. It is really frustrating when you have no idea what is wrong with them and can't help them.
Bobby is more lively this morning and more importantly has put 32g on overnight ! 🥰
No wetness underneath and I’ve seen him eating hay and having a drink
His appetite is slowly improving !
First day for him without the metacam but he’s having the glucasamine and I’ll carry on the cc food
So the Vet seen by us today( a different one) thinks that the metacam has caused gastric ulcers/Diarrhoea and advised stop its use.
Bobby has good gastric sounds.
I’m to continue with critical care 3-4 x daily and then when everything is settled X-rays and possibly more antibiotics
I’m not really reassured as I think Bobby is in pain - grinding his teeth, not being active and sitting hunched sometimes but his weight is stable with the cc.
I don’t think he has diarrhoea just soft poos - just so difficult
That does sound like typical pain from my experience, poor Bobby. The soft poos is probably the AB’s. Strange how a vet could think Metacam has caused gastric problems as they are generally so tolerant to Metacam in very large doses?
Sending him lots of healing vibes.
So I was a bit late giving the boys their veggie supper tonight (I’d been on babysitting duties) and guess who was waiting ….as if to say oi wheres our supper …..yep the lovely Bobby and he tucked right in 😂
I’m feeling much happier tonight - no smelly wee or soft poos all normal 🤞