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Bobby is poorly

All the best.

PS: If the problem recurs, please consider a sterile cystitis instead.
So Bobby is going back to the Vet tomorro - he made a great recovery after his antibiotics and metacam finished on saturday
He’s been putting weight back on but I noticed yesterday he was staying in his hidey more ….i thought due to all the syringe feeding etc but just now I’ve heard him squeak while passing urine ….i will mention the sterile cystitis and hope to have him back on metacam …..🤞 for Bobby
I ordered some new pellets from piggie parcels yesterday with glucasamine in ……I thought as prevention and I’m so glad I did
I'm sorry Bobby's still not quite himself, it's always a worry when they aren't quite where they should be.
Just a thank you but I wouldn’t have known about critical care food or probiotics or the need to regularly weigh guinea pigs
so THANK YOU to this fabulous knowledgable forum ! You have all helped to heal Bobby
The Vet wasn’t great about what to feed him and had to look up what to give him ( but I already knew what he needed ) and luckily I knew exactly what to do !
Just what I say. There are some beautiful souls on this forum!

I keep my fingers crossed for mister Bobby with the best name ever ❤️ good luck at the vets! (my late baby boy was named Bob. Its just the perfect guinea pig-name)
Vet was great and said after examining Bobby that his bladder was normal and soft and was he aware of sterile cystitis - we agreed 10 days of metacam and then review with possible X-rays
Bobby’s urine seems normal and no crystals and he’s nice and dry underneath 🤞
I’m hoping it’s something we can sort out
My lovely lab got a uti and antibiotics didn’t work and it was a mass on his bladder
I’m trying to be positive
I wonder if the 5 days of 0.2ml baytril didn’t really cure it
He’s on 0.2ml metacam 1x daily atm
I’ve started the glucasamine and he’s on critical care 3x daily
Bobby is poorly again - he is wet underneath and there is a strong smell of wee
He is just having 0.2ml of cat metacam
So back to the Vet tomorrow for X-rays I think
I feel so bad for him

Oh no poor Bobby. Sending healing vibes his way. Hopefully the vet can prescribe a higher dose of pain meds 🤞🏻
Poor Bobby. send him lots of love from me ❤️. Fingers crossed he gets better soon🤞🤞good luck Bobby little sweet boy❤️.
Thank you everyone - hopefully they will do - I’ll keep you posted
One thing …..Bobby always hated being picked etc but he’s quite used to it now and even enjoys a little stroke ….not for long tho 😂
He’s so good with his metacam and his syringe feeding 🥰
Thank you everyone - hopefully they will do - I’ll keep you posted
One thing …..Bobby always hated being picked etc but he’s quite used to it now and even enjoys a little stroke ….not for long tho 😂
He’s so good with his metacam and his syringe feeding 🥰

I noticed after syringe feeding Pepper for over 8 weeks when he was poorly gave us a much closer bond. 😍
How was the vet? I hope Bobby is ok. Thinking of him. Did he bring a friend along?
Thank you everyone - hopefully they will do - I’ll keep you posted
One thing …..Bobby always hated being picked etc but he’s quite used to it now and even enjoys a little stroke ….not for long tho 😂
He’s so good with his metacam and his syringe feeding 🥰
Our old piggy that is sadly not with us any more adored his antibiotic and pain relief he was so good with his meds.🥰
How was the vet? How's Bobby doing Roselina? I hope you are all ok:hug:.
Just seen this, (on holiday) hoping it goes well for poor Bobby today, can the vet up his pain relief perhaps so he is more comfortable 🤞🤞🤞
So the Vet seen by us today( a different one) thinks that the metacam has caused gastric ulcers/Diarrhoea and advised stop its use.
Bobby has good gastric sounds.
I’m to continue with critical care 3-4 x daily and then when everything is settled X-rays and possibly more antibiotics
I’m not really reassured as I think Bobby is in pain - grinding his teeth, not being active and sitting hunched sometimes but his weight is stable with the cc.
I don’t think he has diarrhoea just soft poos - just so difficult
So sorry you didn't get the answer you were looking for. I hope little Bobby isn't in pain and he's back to popcorning again soon. Hope the vet visit wasn't stressful for him.
Honestly that vet sounds less than useless, but it's not very helpful for you. I'm not a vet but I've also never heard of metacam causing ulcers like that, especially at what is a relatively small dose. I'm sorry the vet wasn't helpful :no:
I’m not convinced as it’s 0.2ml once daily
I don’t know whether to ignore the vets advice or see how he tomorro without his metacam
He had one dose today
Geoff went with him as usual and is staying close by ❤️
I’ve just put him on it - the capsules - the Vet said ‘ the jury ‘ is out on if it makes a difference but I’m doing it anyhow - he’s had 4 days of cystease capsules ( opened and the powder mixed with 2 ml of warm filtered water)