hi, i’m really sorry i didn’t realise this had to be done on all related things as i normally just choose the specific forum ie health or food! all posts related to the bladder stones, will now be posted on here, again i am really sorry!
yes i completely understand, my mistake, i will be more aware and start linking my posts up, sorry again, i really appreciate all your help ans don’t want to annoy anyone or take away from anyone else.
Thank you. We appreciate that.
If you have other questions on unrelated issues, you are of course welcome to ask them in the appropriate section.
We have a special system in the Health/Illness section because it is more closely monitored by specially designed
members who we fully trust - they are the ones with the badge in the signature. It is much easier for us to pick up an ongoing support thread and remember what is happening than connecting a new enquiry in a different thread when we scroll through all the alerts coming on. Occasionally, this can cause confusion and less than optimal advice if the advising member is not connecting your enquiry with the background on which you are posting.
All our forum 'quirks' are here because that is how things work best for us as we are making the most of being independent from social media restrictions and their underlying demands. It can take a while to cotton onto them; you do not need to apologise or feel bad.