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Billie's paw

Today was Billie's vet checkup. The vet was not impressed by the way the paw looks. Billie is on Baytril again, this time long term.
I really hope it will help. :soz:
I’m so sorry. That was not the news you wanted to hear. I really hope the meds work and Billies paw heals quickly.
So sorry that beautiful Billie’s paw isn’t healing as well as you wanted.
Hope the Baytril makes a difference soon.
Holding you in my heart ❤️
Poor Billie you don't look impressed! It's for your own good even though you think your Slave is an evil nasty person to wrap your paw. She really isn't you know. Your Slave is lovely and just trying to help you get your paw better.
We had an appointement with the specialist vet today. More or less the same outcome as with my usual vet.

Baytril in a slightly higher dose, vitamin C, soaks twice a day with mallow tea. And we should try to reduce the bandage in the coming weeks. Bleeding is to be expected and shouldn't be life threatening (but there was so much blood whenever we tried to reduce the bandage in the last two weeks that I don't really feel comfortable with leaving it off at the moment).

At the moment Billie is pretty pissed off.
It's not much fun when a piggy isn't happy and doesn't understand why you are doing stuff to them. Billie doesn't know that you are only trying to help get her paw better. All she knows is she has been prodded and poked by the vet, had her foot soaked again, then a bandage applied which is annoying her and given yukky medicine which she doesn't want. No wonder the poor girl is pissed off. It's such a shame that we can't tell them.
Yes, that's right. :(
And since she managed to get rid of the bandage after evening veggie time and the paw started to bleed again, we just had the great joy to wrap the paw up again. Clever girl stayed under my sofa as long as possible.
It’s a pity your vet won’t consider removing part of the paw. It was terrifying how much Hannah’s paw would bleed. Simon said that when they cleaned her paw prior to starting the op, it began to bleed and he was horrified by how much blood she was losing!
It’s a pity your vet won’t consider removing part of the paw. It was terrifying how much Hannah’s paw would bleed. Simon said that when they cleaned her paw prior to starting the op, it began to bleed and he was horrified by how much blood she was losing!
Yes, it really is scaring. But if I read your post correctly, Hannah had badly hurt one or two toes. In Billie's case the paw pad is affected. So I don't think there is a chance to remove part of it. :(