A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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So I chose my holiday clothes last week (when weather was 25°) and now the weather has changed a little. We are having a little seaside break and it's sill forecast dry but between 20-23° each day. I'm thinking that I might get chilly in shorts and may need long trousers! I hadn't put a proper jacket in either, so looks like a small repack may be on the cards!
So I chose my holiday clothes last week (when weather was 25°) and now the weather has changed a little. We are having a little seaside break and it's sill forecast dry but between 20-23° each day. I'm thinking that I might get chilly in shorts and may need long trousers! I hadn't put a proper jacket in either, so looks like a small repack may be on the cards!
Have a wonderful time
So I chose my holiday clothes last week (when weather was 25°) and now the weather has changed a little. We are having a little seaside break and it's sill forecast dry but between 20-23° each day. I'm thinking that I might get chilly in shorts and may need long trousers! I hadn't put a proper jacket in either, so looks like a small repack may be on the cards!
Have a lovely holiday 🌞
Feeling sore and sorry for myself as I cartwheeled off my bike this morning....on my way to work. Currently nursing one hell of a shiner and road rash on my right side.
Oh no. I hope you’re ok ❤️
Oh no I hope you’re ok ! Take care and lots of painkillers to help - sending a big hug
I don't think my neighbors like me. They never wave when I go outside I don't think they like that I smoke on the front porch or that I let some weeds grow in my flower bed.

I was just at the grocery store and she was face to face with me and didn't even say hi or smile or anything. How rude!
I bought another skirt (yep, me! I have a growing collection of long summer skirts now) and it was a little long for me. Washed it, its shrunk a little! Bonus for me as saves me getting it shortened but it might be a mini skirt next year if shrinks everytime!

I clean my glasses every day with the cloth. The lenses that is. The actual frame looks a bit... unloved. Not sure best way to clean it, looks a bit steamed/dirty. I wear them every day, all day so they get some use. Clearly I should have cleaned the frame too.
I got a splinter from refilling hay. I thought I got it all out but it's infected. I work tomorrow but Saturday I might have to go to the med center and have them open the wound to check if there's still hay in there. I find that very embarrassing.
Oh no that’s painful - hay can be a danger zone ! Soaking it in hot salt water might help draw the pus out - I used to do that when I got a whitlow ( abscess) in the cuticles of my fingers - but if it’s no better I would go to the med centre
When you book an 8.30am appointment at the doctors. They don't open the doors until 8.31am and the doctor wasn't even there yet! I was called through at 8.46am.

(Finally had the lump on my wrist looked at. Doc isn't sure so is going to refer for a scan)
Trying to renew my railcard. Won't let me log into my account and the link to ask for password reset seems to be a dud as done it several times and received nothing.

Have emailed asking for help and once I sent the email, had a thought that I had this trouble last year too. Pretty sure I ended up ordering it over the phone. Surely the website still doesn't work - a whole year later?
Will a tennis ball between the wall and gate work?
The latch doesn't fit so it bangs slightly open and closed. It has a lock but he doesn't like it locked. I can't currently leave the house due to major surgery. I've asked my mum to ask if he wouldn't mind asking the council to fix the door. But he won't answer the door to her unfortunately. I don't want to upset him by locking it. I wonder if he struggles to unlock it when it's locked .
I am on crutches, and my special needs housemate (functioning, but special) is a disaster in the kitchen. She honestly messes up pouring a glass of milk. I can teach a 1-year-old to make pizza dough and pancakes. I’ve done it twice. This person … :hb:
I need to make food for a luncheon, and only needed a little help while I stood at the counter. I now have food: in my hair, in my pants, down my shirt, on the kitchen table and chairs, and the bottom of the oven.
I just showered a few hours ago (do you know how much work that is?!), and need to do it again. 😭
I am on crutches, and my special needs housemate is a disaster in the kitchen. She honestly messes up pouring a glass of milk. I can teach a 1-year-old to make pizza dough and pancakes. I’ve done it twice. This person … :hb:
I need to make food for a luncheon, and only needed a little help while I stood at the counter. I now have food: in my hair, in my pants, down my shirt, on the kitchen table and chairs, and the bottom of the oven.
I just showered a few hours ago (do you know how much work that is?!), and need to do it again. 😭
Oh no! That sounds really difficult. I'm on crutches and it's a nightmare. And yes trying to get washed and dressed! Oh no. Are you on crutches long term?
I need to do stuff, like start packing up this flat for going home, except I ache all over despite having done very little (I'm blaming the mattress) and I ate too much really nice fried rice. Food coma, can't move. Rice was totally worth it. Food coma, maybe not so much lol.