A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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The guy's not a plumber so unfortunately that's as far as we got, this was the before (from 25th June)


It's obviously been on the go since before June, but that part of the staircase is very easy to miss. Even today I had to physically show him where it was because it was well hidden.

He's pushed for it to get fixed though, there was talk of "is it really necessary with the boiler needing replaced anyway" but yes, it is. It's a drip type leak and still wet to the touch.

Water needs switched off, and the pipe (and compression valve) needs replacing. The goblins are gonna love that 🙄
The guy's not a plumber so unfortunately that's as far as we got, this was the before (from 25th June)

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It's obviously been on the go since before June, but that part of the staircase is very easy to miss. Even today I had to physically show him where it was because it was well hidden.

He's pushed for it to get fixed though, there was talk of "is it really necessary with the boiler needing replaced anyway" but yes, it is. It's a drip type leak and still wet to the touch.

Water needs switched off, and the pipe (and compression valve) needs replacing. The goblins are gonna love that 🙄
That pipe is well corroded ! It will be good get to get it done !
Having a bit of a bad day,when I was in the work taxi this morning a dog came running out into the road and was hit.The driver did stop and go and check on the dog.I can't get the image out of my head though,the poor dog lying in the road and twitching and I've been a bit of an emotional mess all day.
When I went to pick up my piggies from Lilli's, Lilli told me that she had a guinea pig surrendered yesterday at the age of 5, just because it was ill and the owner "doesn't know how to" (couldn't be bothered to) look after it. The piggie has a UTI and needs Baytril and Metacam twice a day plus syringe feeding round the clock because the poor thing doesn't feel well enough to eat. Lilli took this poor piggy in and because it hadn't been fed it was looking completely defeated so Lilli is syringe feeding it plus syringing it water every 2 hours day and night, plus twice daily Metacam and Baytril along with probiotics. I know it's a lot to deal with if you're not used to it and if you have to work, but I think its morally wrong to "get rid of" any pet when they become a bit of a burden because they are ill. You wouldn't do that to a child so why do it with a pet?
What an Angel Lilli is taking that lovely piggy in - thank goodness for such kind hearted souls ❤️

Lilli is part of Mandy's Guinea Pig Rescue. A good rescue down here in Dorset. It's where I adopted Misty and Bramble from and where all 3 of my girlies have their holidays. At the moment they have around 70 piggies waiting for adoption and had phone calls yesterday about 30 mor! Lilli herself is looking after 20 up for adoption.
Fed up of the rain now this week. I needed webbed feet on Tuesday for the entire day at work. Today, I had a lovely seaside day but was very soggy from beginning to end. Didn't get on the beach and constantly had rain dripping down my face from my hood. This exact time last year, I went to the same seaside and it was glorious sunshine!
Turning up at the Premier Inn last night after a nightmare journey which took an hour longer than it should (3 hours) because of a bad accident on the M40 only to find the restaurant closed due to staff sickness. The Manager was super stressed because of this. There were also only 2 members of staff on duty (her and an 18 year old girl) a full hotel and the football was on! I felt sorry for her as she was clearly doing her best. Tea last night was 2 packets of Prawn Cocktail crisps and 3 glasses of wine.
Found a lump on inside of my wrist/hand. Tried two days running to get a doctor appointment to get it checked. Receptionist has booked me one for 5pm today even though said I wasn't available (at the theatre and its been booked since November!) I can't pre book in advance but can ring at 8am every day to book two weeks in advance (so I could ring Monday for an appointment on 5th Aug)... I mean really!
Do you have a walk in clinic anywhere nearby? It's most likely to be a harmless ganglion but definitely getting it checked out ASAP is worth the queue.
Not that I know of, I'm going to have a look. Just annoying and it feels like the whole system doesn't work. I would love to pre book an appointment for two weeks time for a day I can actually attend but can't? Yet if it was a blood test I would be able to. Even if I went to out of hours would they just send me to my own doctors? I'm not poorly just want someone to prod at my wrist!
Do you have a walk in clinic anywhere nearby? It's most likely to be a harmless ganglion but definitely getting it checked out ASAP is worth the queue.
When I went to pick up my piggies from Lilli's, Lilli told me that she had a guinea pig surrendered yesterday at the age of 5, just because it was ill and the owner "doesn't know how to" (couldn't be bothered to) look after it. The piggie has a UTI and needs Baytril and Metacam twice a day plus syringe feeding round the clock because the poor thing doesn't feel well enough to eat. Lilli took this poor piggy in and because it hadn't been fed it was looking completely defeated so Lilli is syringe feeding it plus syringing it water every 2 hours day and night, plus twice daily Metacam and Baytril along with probiotics. I know it's a lot to deal with if you're not used to it and if you have to work, but I think its morally wrong to "get rid of" any pet when they become a bit of a burden because they are ill. You wouldn't do that to a child so why do it with a pet?
The piggy didn't make it. He was pts yesterday. Lilli gave him an hour or so on the grass so he could feel the sun on his back. The vet said that the infection had spread too far.😥IMG-20240718-WA0000.webp