A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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I am going through a divorce, and it is as awful as I feared. I am now homeless, broke and alone. I don’t trust my lawyer, and if I didn’t have to take care of the animals, I would just give up.
To clarify, the woman that started me on the gp journey, and I have been taking care of, is being institutionalized. I have people offering temporary housing, but gp safety is what will determine which place is best. One place is a garage with snakes and mice.
I am going through a divorce, and it is as awful as I feared. I am now homeless, broke and alone. I don’t trust my lawyer, and if I didn’t have to take care of the animals, I would just give up.
To clarify, the woman that started me on the gp journey, and I have been taking care of, is being institutionalized. I have people offering temporary housing, but gp safety is what will determine which place is best. One place is a garage with snakes and mice.
I’m so sorry to hear that @Homestead Mom - I’ve been thru a divorce and it is awful. The lies and not being able to trust people make it very difficult. Friends that take sides etc. My children were teenagers and we had rabbits and guinea pigs and chickens and cats. My children and pets and my work kept me sane. It will get better and you will feel better being out of a difficult relationship.
Try to focus on what you can control and getting a home …. Sending a hug and thinking of you ❤️
I am going through a divorce, and it is as awful as I feared. I am now homeless, broke and alone. I don’t trust my lawyer, and if I didn’t have to take care of the animals, I would just give up.
To clarify, the woman that started me on the gp journey, and I have been taking care of, is being institutionalized. I have people offering temporary housing, but gp safety is what will determine which place is best. One place is a garage with snakes and mice.
Sending hugs to you. ❤️
I have a feeding station full of food for the birds. There are 2 lots of bird seed, 2 fat cakes and 4 fat balls. I've seen the blackbirds land on the fat cakes and attack them like they were starving and hadn't eaten for a week. So what does Mrs Blackbird do this lunchtime? Land on the largest of my blueberry bushes (with fruit netting on it to hopefully protect the berries) and proceeds to strip it of all the nearly ripe blueberries that would have been perfect in the next couple of days. I chased her off and now the blueberry bush is in my Conservatory (without the fruit netting). Unfortunately, there isn't anywhere I can put the smaller of the bushes (I have 2) without it damaging the floor but there are only a few blueberries on that one. The smaller one now has about 4 layers of fruit netting on it.
I suppose she's trying to ensure she has at least one of her 5-a-day!
I can sympathise after having my ripe gooseberries stripped last weekend. When I tried potted blueberries, in our previous house, the birds usually ended up getting most of them too, especially because we were often on hols when they started to ripen.

I don't bother with blueberries now, the soil is unsuitable and they never seemed to produce enough fruit to make it worth the effort.
It is amlost 3 am and I can't sleep because there is a stupid fly in the room with the pigs 🤬. I don't open windows and doors for that reason. How it got in the house idk. All i know is that until I find and kill it, which I probably won't, I won't be able to rest. And even after that I have to clean the cages even though I cleaned them 2 days ago. I hope the boys will be ok. I am beyond furious, but mostly because I don't want the boys to get fly strike. The stupid fly just disappeared into thin air.
Oh no it’s so annoying ! If it’s a usual fly it won’t be a problem - it’s those big blue bottle buzzing flies that are the problem re fly strike - I know people might not like this but you could put up a flypaper that catches any flies….
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Oh no it’s so annoying ! If it’s a usual fly it won’t be a problem - it’s those big blue bottle buzzing flies that are the problem re fly strike - I know people might not like this but you could put up a flypaper that catches any flies….
I'll buy those, but I wonder if I put them in the piggy room or in the hallway and keep their door closed. I don't know if the flypaper will attract them in the room. I don't know what kind of fly was that, but I killed a shinier small blue/green one earlier yesterday.
I'll buy those, but I wonder if I put them in the piggy room or in the hallway and keep their door closed. I don't know if the flypaper will attract them in the room. I don't know what kind of fly was that, but I killed a shinier small blue/green one earlier yesterday.
Good luck I don’t think the fly papers attract the flies into the house but are very efficient in catching them indoors !
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Not even really a rant for me but my mum manages a charity shop. Just two days a week job sharing with two others. Suits her due to illness and disabilities as she can't physically do more than that but likes to work and get out the house etc. anyway shop has been struggling for a long time. Over a year ago I sat down to talk through some of her ideas for the shop from a business/project management side and she was able to develop the ideas well to take back to management. Now they are closing the shop and making all 3 managers redundant because the shop is underperforming. Numerous meetings over the year and they didn't try a single one of the ideas the shop managers put forward.
Not even really a rant for me but my mum manages a charity shop. Just two days a week job sharing with two others. Suits her due to illness and disabilities as she can't physically do more than that but likes to work and get out the house etc. anyway shop has been struggling for a long time. Over a year ago I sat down to talk through some of her ideas for the shop from a business/project management side and she was able to develop the ideas well to take back to management. Now they are closing the shop and making all 3 managers redundant because the shop is underperforming. Numerous meetings over the year and they didn't try a single one of the ideas the shop managers put forward.
I understand why you may feel frustrated. Probably managing the shop gave your mum many things - sense of purpose, reason to go out, income and fulfilment. Probably she is frustrated too, since it may be difficult to find another job that suits her.
Again my theory that if an organisation sucks it is because the higher ups are totally useless or simply don't care. Charity shops are great for the community. I used to volunteer in one. The elderly loved to go there just for a small talk.
I understand why you may feel frustrated. Probably managing the shop gave your mum many things - sense of purpose, reason to go out, income and fulfilment. Probably she is frustrated too, since it may be difficult to find another job that suits her.
Again my theory that if an organisation sucks it is because the higher ups are totally useless or simply don't care. Charity shops are great for the community. I used to volunteer in one. The elderly loved to go there just for a small talk.
Yes she has made a lot of friends through that job. She hits state retirement age next November so my focus is just trying to get her through to that
Written a lot of emails recently which included the word boar, quite a few times. Has my phone learnt I really do mean boar- not boat. No it hasn’t.

I have just had to correct those 2 too!
I'm feeling frazzled.

I've worked my normal hours this week, nephew has been here so I've had no time to myself. Those little bits of self care that I get in my routine each week have been non existent. My patience is very nearly gone and my sibling thinks that its one big joke - he's disrepectful and rude. He's slowly taking over every inch of the house and has crap in every room but mine. I look round sometimes and its as if the walls are slowly caving in on me.
I paid for the season to have my lawn mowed but they stopped coming! I paid under the table without a proper contract so I'm having a difficult time being reimbursed for the rest of the season, but I'm not giving up! I have a bank statement and text messages to prove I paid. I'm guessing they owe me $500.

So I had to pay a proper company $780 to finish up the season. But I signed a contract, so this company won't rip me off. In fact they just came to mow.
I took Wally outside for some evening sunshine, the jackdaws spooked him, a pigeon landed on the fence- we had just got over the birds when next door decided to water the plants- but mostly aiming at the fence. Ughhh!
We lasted 10mins. Wally wasn’t impressed!

I managed the cord out of my blinds earlier. Happens all the time really, you've just gotta look at it wrong lol. But could I get it back in? No. Normally I can but not today so I had to climb onto the window. Nice deep window sills, that's fine, then I still couldn't get it in. Had to shift my weight and my feet and nearly knocked my jigsaw off the desk. It's half done and I can't have that.

Finally got it back in. Stood to the floor again, closed the window, picked up the stuff up that I'd knocked to the floor.

I'd forgotten I'd moved the piece the cord attached to, to the wrong side of a slate to be able to get it in. So now the blinds won't turn. :doh:Oops, lol.
This heat....please can we have a normal kind of summer please? I'm currently in bed with a headache from not drinking enough, feeling pretty crappy.
Dehydration headache is the worst! Remember to drink lots of water even though you probably don't feel like it. Have some dioralyte or have a sports drink to replace the electrolytes that you may have lost due to dehydration.

Hope you soon feel better.
It's good you got it cut. I hate days when plans go awry! We are still waiting for rain, it looked like it was coming earlier but those dark clouds went somewhere else.