A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Was talking to a coworker about Stripe's X-rays and said I hoped he didn't need surgery. He said surgery for a guinea pig seemed "over the top."

Some people just don't understand.
That’s is so disrespectful ! I hope lovely Stripe gets on ok and everyone here is hoping so too !
We love hearing about Stripe and Chez 🥰
Was talking to a coworker about Stripe's X-rays and said I hoped he didn't need surgery. He said surgery for a guinea pig seemed "over the top."
I don't understand why a guinea pig isn't as important as a cat or dog. If Stripe was a dog, your coworker wouldn't have made that comment. A guinea pig is a pet just like a cat or dog.
Hubby is getting very annoyed with me. Today I have decided that I need to inform him about every household chore I have done. If I don't get immediate praise for doing it, I mention it until I do. He has informed me that it's a very irritating practice.......
Now I'm waiting for him to do some housework.........😇
Hubby is getting very annoyed with me. Today I have decided that I need to inform him about every household chore I have done. If I don't get immediate praise for doing it, I mention it until I do. He has informed me that it's a very irritating practice.......
Now I'm waiting for him to do some housework.........😇
I know that feeling! Whenever my husband unloads the dishwasher "for me" (!) he expects praise. I do it, I don't mention it. If stuff needs doing I just do it. If stuff needs doing my husband will do it if I ask him to. I shouldn't need to ask him. He should notice it needs doing and do it. If I had that same attitude, I'd be living in a filthy house that looks like a rubbish dump!
The best one is;
"I've just cooked/done something and it's made a right mess of the hob/oven/air fryer/kitchen/lounge. I'll clean it later"
"This hob/oven/air fryer/kitchen/lounge needs cleaning"
Much later,
"This hob/oven/air fryer/kitchen/lounge needs cleaning"
Much, much later;
"Oh, you cleaned it, I was just about to do that"
Don't let him get away with it! :P:evil:
That's easier said than done!

I deliberately left the bathroom sink out when I cleaned the rest of the bathroom for 2 weeks to see if he would notice the increasing soap scum and black marks slowly forming on the sink. He didn't. When I mentioned he said, "Oh I don't notice these things, as long as the tap works everything's fine". I asked him to clean the sink. Did he do it? What do you think? Of course not! I did it as I couldn't stand the sight of a filthy sink any longer!
@Betsy , I know what you mean.
To be fair, mine used to be pretty good. Last May he cracked a couple of ribs and it seemed fair enough for me to do everything. Unfortunately it seems to have continued. This would be more acceptable if he didn't hmph and mutter about me "not doing things" on the rare occasion I don't unload the dishwasher.
@Betsy , I know what you mean.
To be fair, mine used to be pretty good. Last May he cracked a couple of ribs and it seemed fair enough for me to do everything. Unfortunately it seems to have continued. This would be more acceptable if he didn't hmph and mutter about me "not doing things" on the rare occasion I don't unload the dishwasher.
What a cheek!


If only this were true ......
My leg is driving me insane. Partly because I slept on a different mattress for a week and my hip always whinges about it, I had several pillows and blankets pushed underneath it while in hospital last year for the same reason but, the other half of it is my fault. I walked for a week in shoes without my insoles and between having really flat feet and difficulty with walking/balance since I broke my foot in my 20s, I basically walking the wrong way for a week.

I mean, I thought I'd get away with it lol. I'm old enough to know better though, kinda hoping my body forgives me soon. I've got stuff needing done!
My leg is driving me insane. Partly because I slept on a different mattress for a week and my hip always whinges about it, I had several pillows and blankets pushed underneath it while in hospital last year for the same reason but, the other half of it is my fault. I walked for a week in shoes without my insoles and between having really flat feet and difficulty with walking/balance since I broke my foot in my 20s, I basically walking the wrong way for a week.

I mean, I thought I'd get away with it lol. I'm old enough to know better though, kinda hoping my body forgives me soon. I've got stuff needing done!

As you get older your body gets less forgiving 😢. You have to treat it right all of the time or it will remind you who is boss.
People that post a Facebook status example ' URGH I am so pissed of , some people ' for attention and then some may ask what's wrong and then reply oh it doesn't matter! Really grinds my gears 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️
As you get older your body gets less forgiving 😢. You have to treat it right all of the time or it will remind you who is boss.

I just don't know what the deal is with that leg. I'm sorta used to the hip but the entire leg, that's new, unless it's all entirely related to my inability to walk properly lol. It turns out my mum knew this when I was a kid but nothing was done about it because it wasn't causing me any issues, and it didn't til I was 23 and broke a foot bone. It's a break I should've been able to walk off to let it heal and because I'm seriously duck footed it turned out I couldn't. I ended up camped out in A&E after a few days demanding crutches, I didn't mind walking it off but my balance needed the help. That got their attention anyway.

Then I saw the fracture clinic a week later and they put me in a cast for 4 weeks. I had to go to a wedding in England the week after it went on, my mother was raging :))
Lots of reading, essaying, revising for my thesis today. Got used to summer break so not in the rhythm.

But first, grocery shopping.
Two weeks ago, I fell down some steps, slammed my head into a rock, and started to black out. I forced myself to sit up rather than give in. I went to the doctor, and wasn’t asked what happened, and she didn’t look at my foot, just sent me to the hospital for X-rays, asked if I need Tylenol, and promised to call with the results. Still no prompt or right moment to say, “I need you to check my head!” As an advocate for others, I don’t think to speak for myself. I know I should have forced someone to check me out.
I didn’t get x-ray results that day. I called the next morning, waited forever, and was told it’s not fractured by a nurse. That’s it. End of conversation. I did call out as she was hanging up. She was ticked I was asking questions! Didn’t the doctor discuss it with me? 🙃 Why would I have called to begin with if the doctor had already talked to me about it? She made me wait.. “it’s not fractured,” again… after getting out of her to ice it, she successfully hung up on me.
I think that most of us have played the game of being told something is not broken, then finding out that it is broken. This did not feel like a sprain or fracture, it felt like a break.
I have crutches, and a brace boot on 24/7 for a week. I was fortunate to find that an orthopedic specialist goes to church with me. He was adamant I keep it on after he adjusted it. Before that was a lot of ice and an elastic bandage. I still hurt too much. I called the doctor, and was promised a call back. No call again.
My brother! I haven't seen him for over 2 years so I invited him to come and stay for a weekend. He said that he doesn't travel beyond the M25. I know he doesn't like driving long distances so I thought that this may be the problem. I suggested he came by train as Poole station is only 10 mins away and I'd go and pick him up. Apparently this is a hardship for him too. He won't even make an exception to see his sister! He never goes anywhere (outside the M25!) never does anything and never goes on holiday. It's his loss if he doesn't want to see me. We've never got on but with both our parents no longer around I'd have thought he would have made the effort. I've been to see him several times in the past, even taking the caravan up to stay at a site in London so that I can go and see him as well as going round London to see the sights. As far as I'm concerned he can go and take a long walk of a short cliff......
My brother! I haven't seen him for over 2 years so I invited him to come and stay for a weekend. He said that he doesn't travel beyond the M25. I know he doesn't like driving long distances so I thought that this may be the problem. I suggested he came by train as Poole station is only 10 mins away and I'd go and pick him up. Apparently this is a hardship for him too. He won't even make an exception to see his sister! He never goes anywhere (outside the M25!) never does anything and never goes on holiday. It's his loss if he doesn't want to see me. We've never got on but with both our parents no longer around I'd have thought he would have made the effort. I've been to see him several times in the past, even taking the caravan up to stay at a site in London so that I can go and see him as well as going round London to see the sights. As far as I'm concerned he can go and take a long walk of a short cliff......
It’s his loss Betsy …. some people aren’t worth it
I have three brothers and two are like that ….no contact from one for over 10 years and the other only contacts me if he wants something ….my two sisters are so different and we chat most days ❤️
I spose the old saying is right ……’ you can choose your friends but not your family ! ‘
Had a bit of a bad day at work today.One issue amongst many was there was a spider with a lot of little spiders in one of the bathrooms.My supervisor told me I had to get them down and I said I can't,I've got a massive phobia and she said it doesn't matter,you must.I said I can't and she said use a hoover,I then said I think that's cruel and also that would scare me too but she didn't seem to care.If I 'have' to get rid of spiders then I think I'm in the wrong job.