A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Woke up this morning and realized I was out of coffee! Trying to decide if I want to take a twenty minute walk and go get an iced coffee.

I haven't been on a walk in a while, so maybe it's a good idea.
Trying to convince the excess water to extract itself from the USB port and headphone jack is not my idea of fun, lol. I don't really care about the headphone jack but that USB port is kinda necessary. Stupid thing.
Have you tried putting the mobile in a bag of rice to dry it out?
Never tried it, but apparently it's very effective.
Have you tried putting the mobile in a bag of rice to dry it out?
Never tried it, but apparently it's very effective.

I ended up propping it upright so any remaining water could draw itself out and left it for a bit, it's working now. Rice doesn't really help unfortunately, it won't draw excess water out and any water that does escape, your phone (or other device) just ends up sitting in that excess water.
I ran out of the B&M hay, my boys love it. Bought them the more expensive one - Excel Timothy. The hay was like yellow straw. Boys didn't like it. One of them even started losing weight.
I drove to another city only to find out B&M ran out of stock of that hay too. Anyway I got green meadow hay. My picky boy was excited when i went to feed them the new hay. He took a whiff, looked me straight in the eyes and went back home. I put some of the excel one and he was a bit more interested. I gave him cc that night as I was worried, cause at that point he had lost 50g. He is usually 1150 something, was down to 1104.
I decided next day to drive to a city even further away hoping that they will have the hay and if not there was a pets at home close by at least.

B&M had some in stock. I bought 5 packs 😆. I would have bought more but the others were yellowish and dusty.

Next day my boy was back to normal weight and have been since. My other boy didn't have trouble with his weight and was ok.

I can't believe how picky my other one is. Thinking about it before he got sick in April I bought a different Timothy hay for him, maybe he wasn't eating enough and I didn't catch that before it got more serious.

My plan is to offer them different hay to find if they like some other brand too, in case something happens with the b&m one and they stop selling.
Years ago I fed mostly the B&M hay, it was out of stock so often I stopped buying it and started getting hay on line. With six piggies I get through such a lot of hay it was worth getting hay in bulk. It's a good idea to try out different hays and not feed just one make/type.
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I ran out of the B&M hay, my boys love it. Bought them the more expensive one - Excel Timothy. The hay was like yellow straw. Boys didn't like it. One of them even started losing weight.
I drove to another city only to find out B&M ran out of stock of that hay too. Anyway I got green meadow hay. My picky boy was excited when i went to feed them the new hay. He took a whiff, looked me straight in the eyes and went back home. I put some of the excel one and he was a bit more interested. I gave him cc that night as I was worried, cause at that point he had lost 50g. He is usually 1150 something, was down to 1104.
I decided next day to drive to a city even further away hoping that they will have the hay and if not there was a pets at home close by at least.

B&M had some in stock. I bought 5 packs 😆. I would have bought more but the others were yellowish and dusty.

Next day my boy was back to normal weight and have been since. My other boy didn't have trouble with his weight and was ok.

I can't believe how picky my other one is. Thinking about it before he got sick in April I bought a different Timothy hay for him, maybe he wasn't eating enough and I didn't catch that before it got more serious.

My plan is to offer them different hay to find if they like some other brand too, in case something happens with the b&m one and they stop selling.
I hope you find something that suits your boys. If you are happy to buy your hay online I would recommend Natures Own.
In the back of my mind I remember somewhere that it might be the same company as the one you are buying from B & M! If it’s not they are very similar.
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Had to pull that off the wall before it fell off the wall (and would've fallen off in the dark too, there's not enough light overnight for that).
What on earth is it? (Or more accurately, was it?)

A porch-canopy-thing. It's been falling apart since before I moved in but still attached to the wall, I went outside this evening and found it had pulled right away on one side. In trying to see it could be righted...it could not. The wood's too rotten, I managed to get it hanging flat and my neighbour pulled the last bit off.

It sounds drastic but pulling it off was safer than leaving it to fall, rotten or not it's not lightweight and we don't have street lighting.


Where it came off from.
I bought a pair of shorts from Next they were so comfy that I ordered some more but in a different colour. I ordered them to my local store for last Wednesday so I could pick them up on Thursday on the way back from taking the piggies to Lilli's. I got a text from them on Wednesday to say they had been delayed and I was to wait until I had another text to say they were in store. This morning I had an email saying that my return had been received. I never got them in the first place so how could I have returned them? I needed the shorts for my holiday which starts on Friday. I am so disappointed that I haven't got my shorts. The reason I ordered them was my local Next store didn't have them in my size in the colour I wanted so they suggested I ordered them so I did.
Rude people! I'm a friendly person and I like to say hello to people I see when I'm away in caravan. The chap in the caravan opposite ours just looked at me like I was a piece on sh!t on his shoe. I've had a lifetime of my brother treating me like that, I certainly don't need it from people I don't even know!

Politeness costs nothing.
Rude people! I'm a friendly person and I like to say hello to people I see when I'm away in caravan. The chap in the caravan opposite ours just looked at me like I was a piece on sh!t on his shoe. I've had a lifetime of my brother treating me like that, I certainly don't need it from people I don't even know!

Politeness costs nothing.
I work at a bookstore and some rude lady came in asking for some obscure book and when I couldn't find it in our system she treated me like I was an idiot! Not to mention she rattled off the strange spelling of the name so I struggled because she said it so fast I had to Google it and she was just so rude!

I'm also very friendly, so I take it personally.
Rude people! I'm a friendly person and I like to say hello to people I see when I'm away in caravan. The chap in the caravan opposite ours just looked at me like I was a piece on sh!t on his shoe. I've had a lifetime of my brother treating me like that, I certainly don't need it from people I don't even know!

Politeness costs nothing.
I know it's hard but try to Ignore people like that,You are a lovely friendly person and they're not worth your time.
When I stay with my daughter in Wales most people we pass on our walks give a cheery greeting and it's lovely, what I'm used to wherever I've lived. When I came here I was shocked at first how unfriendly people are. Just ignore the ignoramuses @Betsy stay your happy friendly self it's his loss!
I work at a bookstore and some rude lady came in asking for some obscure book and when I couldn't find it in our system she treated me like I was an idiot! Not to mention she rattled off the strange spelling of the name so I struggled because she said it so fast I had to Google it and she was just so rude!

I'm also very friendly, so I take it personally.
Some people are just awful !
Don’t let them bother you ….’kill’ them with your kindness 🥰

People like that I meet I put them under a rock and squish them - all in my mind of course 😂
I managed to stab myself under a fingernail with a piece of hay, which means there's probably a drop or two of blood in the hay pile I just gave the goblins. Why can't Cam be normal and eat meadow hay?!
I had a sliver from hay the other day and it made me think how painful hay poke must be! I had to squeeze it out of my thumb.
I had a sliver from hay the other day and it made me think how painful hay poke must be! I had to squeeze it out of my thumb.

I got one of those on the bottom third of a finger once, the box was quite tightly packed and it didn't want to give me even a handful of hay lol.

Bann gave himself an eye injury with this but Cam won't eat anything other than angry, spiky timothy hay. Because he's weird. He won't eat meadow hay at all and he eats orchard hay as begrudgingly as possible. 🤷‍♂️
Hubby went ahead and bought a new kettle and toaster set without consulting me. It arrived today and ugh, ugly and tacky. Definitely not my taste. I wouldn't mind but if I buy stuff I get told off, even if it's something cheap. The offending appliances look VERY cheap but are not. 🤨
Oh no what a spoiler to your lovely holiday! Hope you get better soon and we see you at the Meet on 27th July so you can tell us all about your cruise (me jealous?)

I want to hear about all your cruises too!