A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Well we thought it was an airlock in the hot water system but somehow everyone - myself included - missed this:


I'm responsible for peeling the paper off but that's moot, there's clearly something going on behind that cavity and what's behind that cavity? Pipes from the boiler, that's what. Looks like there's a leak to me!

Well we thought it was an airlock in the hot water system but somehow everyone - myself included - missed this:

View attachment 251433View attachment 251434

I'm responsible for peeling the paper off but that's moot, there's clearly something going on behind that cavity and what's behind that cavity? Pipes from the boiler, that's what. Looks like there's a leak to me!


Oh no! I hope they are quick to investigate this for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Oh no! I hope they are quick to investigate this for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻

I peeled it back to make sure it wasn't animal or insect related - it's all I'd need, wasps or bees in the house lol. And the lack of an ammonia smell tells me it's not animal related. That just leaves the water pipes.

I just don't know how this was missed. It's a really obvious bulge, but I didn't even see it, I was poking at the obvious wet and slightly raised circle I ripped the paper from. Saw the bulge several minutes later.

The sooner they get a new boiler in the better, the engineers were out again yesterday for another quote. 🙄 Same ones as before, what's the bloody hold up?
I’m sure they’ll got onto this quickly - make sense to do it now in the Summer !
I bought a pair of sandals from skechers a few weeks ago. I wanted the black pair but they only had the blue in my size so I had to buy them. I found the black pair on line, ordered them and they arrived yesterday. I put them on this morning and they are too tight! How is this? Exactly the same pair but in black? Now I have to return them.
I bought a pair of sandals from skechers a few weeks ago. I wanted the black pair but they only had the blue in my size so I had to buy them. I found the black pair on line, ordered them and they arrived yesterday. I put them on this morning and they are too tight! How is this? Exactly the same pair but in black? Now I have to return them.
Maybe the ones in the shop had been tried on a few times and stretched? Although I've just had the same with some of trainers. The beige ones are tight and the white ones are loose. Both the same size, style and make from the same online store!
Today is another cleaning day 🙄

Also have to write a seven page short story for class. Not feeling very creative.
Today is another cleaning day 🙄

Also have to write a seven page short story for class. Not feeling very creative.

Does the story need to include certain elements or can it be freestyle? Either way it might be worth seeing if one of the AI bots can give you a starting sentence to build a story around.
It could be about the Sandlot boy - there’s a sculpture at the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Boy from poor background plays baseball in the sand, meets new friends, gets talent spotted and ends up famous kind of idea
I just wrote the story. It's based on Shoeless Joe (the book that inspired Field of dreams) but instead of the magic being real, the main character is mentally ill and gets arrested, involuntarily hospitalized and loses his farm.

Still nothing about the leaky pipe, apparently because nobody knew where in the house I took the photo. Why they couldn't have asked, so I could tell them it was the bottom of the stairs, 🤷‍♂️

Oh and I dropped my phone in the bathtub. It still works so there's that, the USB port's been disabled though. Sigh. One of those weeks.
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Trying to convince the excess water to extract itself from the USB port and headphone jack is not my idea of fun, lol. I don't really care about the headphone jack but that USB port is kinda necessary. Stupid thing.
Trying to convince the excess water to extract itself from the USB port and headphone jack is not my idea of fun, lol. I don't really care about the headphone jack but that USB port is kinda necessary. Stupid thing.
There's a free app called "Sonic Tone Generator" that's supposed to vibrate water from phone speakers. I don't know if it would work on the USB port though.