A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Concerts at Ashton Gate Stadium. We are at least 2 miles away and the thump thump is vibrating through the house. Goodness knows how bad it is for the people that live in the streets surrounding the place. It's a lovely evening (we get so few) we should be outside enjoying it, instead we are stuck indoors with all the windows closed.
Oh no 🤞 it’ll be ok
Btw your new windows look great 😊

I'm still not over the novelty of seeing rain lkke that and not having to mop up the leaks in the panes lol. Box arrived, it's a little the worse for wear but it's still intact which is a relief - DPD are better than they were but it's still a good sized box to have to manoeuvre to my front door lol.

And I've still got a DPD Local delivery to come later lol.

Edit - other way around. DPD Local delivered the hay, DPD (the red one) are bringing the Megazorb.
I prefer the imperial system. I was taught the metric system but don't understand it! I know how tall 5ft 6 is but haven't got a clue about 1.4 metres!
When I lived in France I never knew how hot it was! Never got used to Celsius. Would just open a window, lol. I know I used to weigh 50 some kilos and measured 170. That's it.
Took some photos on the beach yesterday (was inbetween torrential rain showers so stood near the wall) and nearly all of them have come out rubbish. The background has been whitewashed, I look too pink/red or the colour of the photo is completely off from what it actually was... so I'm using my phone photo editing to practise changing my photos and don't really know where to start!
I prefer the imperial system. I was taught the metric system but don't understand it! I know how tall 5ft 6 is but haven't got a clue about 1.4 metres!
When the metric system was coming in I worked in a furnishings department and had to learn metric for the curtains. I went to an evening class and got on quite well with cms, people still came in and asked for ft and inches and totally confused me.
I don’t understand why it was England that taught the rest of the world the imperial system, then finally decided on using the metric system, and now they’re mad at us!
Most of us didn't want the metric system, like many of our traditions we have lost we were forced into it by the EU. By the time we started getting used to things and could cope with all things metric it was decided we would leave the EU! All that pain, expense and messing about for nothing, we could have stayed as we were. Now there's no way we could revert to imperial because the majority of people in the Country (me included) would struggle, it's been too long.
I prefer the imperial system. I was taught the metric system but don't understand it! I know how tall 5ft 6 is but haven't got a clue about 1.4 metres!
1.4m is 4' 7" Betsy. I used to work in a fabric/curtain shop and yeah you had to remember how to convert them into metre's for knowing how much to order. Don't get me started on the formula for working out curtains, that's one I can't forget after all this time.
I must clean the house today. Has to be done. Also, I have homework. Not looking forward to either.

I have a three bedroom house. One room for me, one for the cat's litter box, and one for the pigs. It only takes 45 minutes to clean but I always have to make myself get motivated! Music helps.
I must clean the house today. Has to be done. Also, I have homework. Not looking forward to either.

I have a three bedroom house. One room for me, one for the cat's litter box, and one for the pigs. It only takes 45 minutes to clean but I always have to make myself get motivated! Music helps.
I clean out the piggies first thing in the morning after breakfast on cleaning out day. Then it's over and done with and I can't keep putting it off.
I clean out the piggies first thing in the morning after breakfast on cleaning out day. Then it's over and done with and I can't keep putting it off.
Yes, I changed their fleece this morning after my coffee and cigarette, got it in the wash, etc.

Now I have to sweep and mop the kitchen, vacuum the living room, and do a deep cleaning of the bathroom. I'll start in an hour because I like to spend 30 minutes with the pigs and give them some veggies in the morning. But at least their cage is clean.

I've found the fleece needs to be changed every five days if not four. It gets kinda gross. But I rubbed the soiled one on the clean one like you guys said.
Now I have to sweep and mop the kitchen, vacuum the living room, and do a deep cleaning of the bathroom. I'll start in an hour because I like to spend 30 minutes with the pigs and give them some veggies in the morning. But at least their cage is clean.
What a busy morning you're having! Your're not the only one. Before 10.30 this morning, I'd put some washing on, done 5 minutes hula hooping, had breakfast, weighed, checked and cuddled 3 piggies, hung out washing, cleaned out piggies, put fleeces in the wash, did an hour of Circuits at the gym, came back home and hung out fleeces then collapsed on the sofa for half an hour!
Cleaning is done!

I listened to Suede, some of you might be familiar, great British band from the 90's. I saw the lead singer, Brett Anderson, live on his solo tour in Paris when I was living in Lyon, France. Took the train up and stayed in a hotel.

Now I'll spend some time with the piggies and then tackle the homework.

I might do a small grocery shopping, as well.

I have four days off in a row! I work at a big chain bookstore here in the states part time. Lots of time with the pigs this week!
Today here in the South it's a very high pollen count. I know this because my the lining of my nose is bleeding. I need to blow my nose but can't because the lining of my nose is bleeding and blowing my nose just makes the bleeding of the lining of my nose worse but if I don't blow my nose I can't breathe very well.
I went to see a friend earlier in the week and her OH reckoned that Covid is a scam and that it's just like having a bad cold! How can he say that when millions have died from it worldwide and so many people are affected with Long Covid? Its makes me so angry 😡 .

I'm in the vulnerable group because of my health condition and I'm having all the jabs offered to me and certainly don't want it. Luckily, I've managed not to have it yet but my OH has had it twice, fortunately for him he wasn't affected too badly.
I went to see a friend earlier in the week and her OH reckoned that Covid is a scam and that it's just like having a bad cold! How can he say that when millions have died from it worldwide and so many people are affected with Long Covid? Its makes me so angry 😡 .

I'm in the vulnerable group because of my health condition and I'm having all the jabs offered to me and certainly don't want it. Luckily, I've managed not to have it yet but my OH has had it twice, fortunately for him he wasn't affected too badly.
Sadly there are some ignorant people about - I worked in dentistry during Covid so I know how devasting it was.
I’m glad you’ve kept yourself free from it @Betsy especially as your oh had it twice ! 🥰