A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Last week my support worker was on at me about one of my meds and did I have enough, to the extent I got annoyed enough to snap I had at least a week left, to stop him asking. That night, the Wednesday night, I actually counted them and I was wrong, I only had 6 days.

Well fine, that's on me, I'll tell them on Thursday right? They asked and I was like yeah, my bad, I miscounted, I only had...and (different support worker) she butted in to ask how many. I rolled my eyes, said 5. She asked again. I rolled my eyes harder. Then she demanded to see the box to count herself. Nuh uh. Don't take that attitude with me because I'm not going upstairs again just for the box. There's 5. No more, no less. She at least left it after that, rang the pharmacy, they said they'd order it ready for pickup on Tuesday.

So, the first support worker turns up today. I ask if he has my meds. He thinks I mean the dosette. I tell him it's the mirtazapine. "But you said you had enough." I said I was wrong and they've been ordered. Well how many do I have? None?! But I said I had enough! Why didn't I say last week?!


Then I reminded him the hot water taps still don't work. "But I thought Danny fixed it?" Mate there's an airlock in the system. "Can I check it?" I think that might be the point I snapped. Sure, why not, go check the thing that's already been checked several times over, wtf do I know about airlock in the system. And then, the icing on the cake - "Have you got the boiler on to check it?"

He's left to go retrieve my mirtazapine. I know I should let him in when he gets back but good grief, this is exhausting.

Oh and there's maggots all over my brown bin :vom:
Update to earlier -

I got my meds. And I also no longer have the blood sugar hypo I was having when all this was going on. I hate eating in front of people but I'd just started on an ice lolly because I wasn't expecting him for another hour, and the entire time this was going on he kept asking if I'd had something to eat and I kept thinking "if you dare to ask if I'm feeling okay..." while being shaky and unsteady and really, really cranky.

This is your PSA - don't let your blood sugar get too low.
Update to earlier -

I got my meds. And I also no longer have the blood sugar hypo I was having when all this was going on. I hate eating in front of people but I'd just started on an ice lolly because I wasn't expecting him for another hour, and the entire time this was going on he kept asking if I'd had something to eat and I kept thinking "if you dare to ask if I'm feeling okay..." while being shaky and unsteady and really, really cranky.

This is your PSA - don't let your blood sugar get too low.
Glad you got it sorted and you’re feeling better. ❤️
Glad you got it sorted and you’re feeling better. ❤️

I caught this one quickly and I don't even know how or why it dropped so fast. It's always weird to look back on things after I've had the sugar and the heart rate has slowed down, and then taking a deep breath and apologising for whatever I said. I'd be in serious trouble if I was diabetic.
I’m so cross with myself ….i think I’ve lost my bank card, driving licence and shop card while taking my dog out - feel so fed up and disappointed with myself - plus side no activity on my card and I could stop it online and order a new one and a new driving licence online !
I’m so cross with myself ….i think I’ve lost my bank card, driving licence and shop card while taking my dog out - feel so fed up and disappointed with myself - plus side no activity on my card and I could stop it online and order a new one and a new driving licence online !
That's a pain! Have you tried retracing your steps, you never know they might still be there. Or someone might have handed them into the nearest shop...
I’m so cross with myself ….i think I’ve lost my bank card, driving licence and shop card while taking my dog out - feel so fed up and disappointed with myself - plus side no activity on my card and I could stop it online and order a new one and a new driving licence online !
That’s so annoying. I’m pleased you noticed quickly and managed to cancel it.
Feel like I’m not good enough.
And now I need to stop being sad and enjoy the half term! 😌
You are good enough and deep down I hope you know this ….. that little negative voice needs squishing ! Enjoy your half term and do things you want to do and don’t often get to do ❤️
The fact that Google is so unhelpful! I know you shouldn't google health issues but..we all do, anyway.

I had a smear test yesterday (sorry if tmi) I've been so busy I hadn't got round to booking it until I realised it had been a whole year since my letter..and even then I ended up having to rebook it 3 times due to various other things coming up.

Anyway she goes to do her thing and informs me I'm bleeding, before she has even taken a sample..not ideal. She reassures me it can happen due to hormones, ovulation etc, and to try not to worry until I get my results. I've sat and tried to google to reassure myself that this has indeed happened to other people and all I get is information about bleeding AFTER a smear, not helpful 😑

It's going to be a long 2-6 weeks for the results and I have a feeling it'll need redoing anyway due to the blood 🙄 I wish I hadn't left it a year though, or I probably wouldn't be quite as concerned. We know it isn't an STD, or anything like that which unfortunately narrows it down to being absolutely nothing, or something not nice. Nothing really in between.
The fact that Google is so unhelpful! I know you shouldn't google health issues but..we all do, anyway.

I had a smear test yesterday (sorry if tmi) I've been so busy I hadn't got round to booking it until I realised it had been a whole year since my letter..and even then I ended up having to rebook it 3 times due to various other things coming up.

Anyway she goes to do her thing and informs me I'm bleeding, before she has even taken a sample..not ideal. She reassures me it can happen due to hormones, ovulation etc, and to try not to worry until I get my results. I've sat and tried to google to reassure myself that this has indeed happened to other people and all I get is information about bleeding AFTER a smear, not helpful 😑

It's going to be a long 2-6 weeks for the results and I have a feeling it'll need redoing anyway due to the blood 🙄 I wish I hadn't left it a year though, or I probably wouldn't be quite as concerned. We know it isn't an STD, or anything like that which unfortunately narrows it down to being absolutely nothing, or something not nice. Nothing really in between.
I bled once during a smear and they had to redo the smear 3 months later as there were too many blood cells and not enough of the other cells needed. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will be fine.
I bled once during a smear and they had to redo the smear 3 months later as there were too many blood cells and not enough of the other cells needed. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will be fine.

Thankyou, I keep telling myself that. I dont have time to be unwell myself! 😅 I just wish google understood what I was asking it lol but never mind. I'll just have to wait and see!
Just tried to order something off Etsy. Had a couple of items in the basket, went to sign in as usual only to find for some reason my account has been suspended. The message I got said "please refer to email as to the reason". I don't recall ever having an email.
I checked my email for anything from Etsy. There is nothing.
Email them and see. Hopefully it’s something simple.
I emailed them last night and got the standard reply that I hadn't verified my bank details. I don't sell on Etsy so I don't need to verify my bank details and I always pay with paypal. I only wanted a couple of pee pad 28cms x 30cms to line a couple of hay trays. All the pee pads I can find are too small.
I emailed them last night and got the standard reply that I hadn't verified my bank details. I don't sell on Etsy so I don't need to verify my bank details and I always pay with paypal. I only wanted a couple of pee pad 28cms x 30cms to line a couple of hay trays. All the pee pads I can find are too small.
I can help you order them if you’re still stuck. Let me know
I've just been speaking to the Prescriptions Secretary at my Drs Surgery. The pills I've been on for the last 20 or so years to treat my chronic condition have been discontinued by the manufacturer. I've tried the equivalent and reacted badly to them as in I had all the original symptoms back and was lethargic, couldn't get out of bed etc. I'm not happy. She suggested making an appointment with my GP to discuss options and where I go from here. She also said that there wasn't an equivalent apart from the one I reacted badly to. So it looks like for the rest of my life I'm going to be really ill. :bye:
After a catalogue of disasters on holiday the last straw was when the airport transfer driver wouldn't take us and told us to order a taxi. He said one of the suitcases was too big and he didn't have room for my walker. We put in a complaint but they are refusing a refund. The case was average sized and they knew we had the walker. I'm going to fight this, I will probably have to resort to the discrimination card, which I don't want to do.
I've started to do back stretches. My lower back has started achingly occasionally. I notice it more when sibling makes us sit in kitchen (hard chairs) because nephew sleeps in the room. Also notice it when I've had an easy couple of days at work followed by few busy ones. Fingers crossed eases soon as not always sure whether to bend, stretch, sit or stand with it!